Page 76 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 76
Newborn Hazing During
Covid-19 Season: would tell me to take it easy but
my brain struggled to chill. Until
10 ways I’m Coping my back humbled me. One day
I had a little meeting with myself
and redefined normal. A normal
By Esther Mbugua-Kimemia that consisted of grace, a normal
(as originally published on that gave me room to be kind to
myself, a normal that maintained
t takes a village to raise a fact if anything, I now struggle to joy. A normal that understood
child, but what happens venture out. Here’s how I’m nav- that these are not normal times,
when the ‘village’ is ob- igating this season with a new- a normal that allowed me to heal
serving social distance? born (I’ll talk about her sisters in from surgery and to enjoy being
IMotherhood in this Rona another post): a mummy and wife.
season is unprecedented, it is
revealing how little is within our 1. Giving thanks 4. Maintaining social in-
control. Gratitude is a balm to the soul. teraction (From a
Who would have thought that It has a way of cleansing your distance)
a virus would cause us to think vision, and re-aligning your atti- I had a refreshing conversation
twice, and carefully re-define tude. with a friend this morning. We
normal? That it would magnify I am being intentional about giv- talked about everything from
the small things, because they ing thanks. Circumstances may insects, to milestones, to sleep
really are the big things in life. not be ideal on all fronts, but I regression, to CVs and cover
A few weeks ago, the Lord add- still have so much to be grateful letters, and to life in general. It
ed to our number and baby KK for. was a cocktail that left me feel-
was born. She has been a joy
ing encouraged.
bringer in this season. Though 2. Re-defining self care I am making an effort to reach
she’s our third born, it has al- During this time, I’ve had to out to people and talk to them
most felt like having a baby for
re-define self care and make and pray with them. I miss cof-
the first time. I’ve been learn-
room for it in my every day life. fee dates and play dates, but
ing a new way of motherhood,
My self care routine previously given the circumstances, this is
one with limited movement and consisted of outdoor activities, working.
social interaction. I’ve become it has now been replaced by in-
more cautious, and conscious of
door activities such as baking, 5. Asking for help
the worry and anxiety that tries
cooking, coloring, journaling, I struggle with this one, but I
to make room in my heart. The
working out, de-cluttering and have an ‘in case of emergency’
emotional, social, financial ef- silence. Yes, sweet silence.
fects of Rona are hitting home, I’m chasing sunshine now more protocol in my mind. I know that
they are hard to ignore.
than ever, and resisting the urge
Some comfort has come from
to sit with drawn blinds. The
knowing that KK doesn’t know
rainy season has revealed that
an alternative reality. She has I wouldn’t do too well in winter.
no clue what she is missing out Soaking up the sun is an import-
on, so as her mama, my role is
ant part of my self care routine.
show up each day, feed her, love
her, play with her, pray for her 3.Being gracious
and try to find joy and peace in
this season. At the beginning of the social
I never thought I could be okay distancing, I wanted life to con-
tinue as usual, but a few days
being home all day everyday. I
in, I realized the cost of ‘normal’
love my home and family, but I
enjoyed leaving the house be- was too high to bear. With our
fore Covid-19. Thankfully the help social distancing, I pursued
walls have stopped caving in, in the role of Super woman. Hubby
76 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY