Page 80 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 80
sacrifice that His will may be seen or in very few cases un- and abound.
done here on earth just as it is derstood, and the responsibility
done in Heaven. lies on you at that moment. The Afrika's rich art culture is
beauty that it carries is that God facing a gradual watering
You are a poet and an always confirms His words with down due to the chase
author and you once said signs, wonders and miracles after shallow monetary
that you portray life in the most importantly to you, giving gains. How do you propose
kingdom of God in your you peace all the time no matter we help the situation?
how bizarre, frightened, foolish
writings. How did this First of all, the reason you
or crazy you may sound or look.
come to be? water down what belongs to
I didn’t initially understand you to sell it is because you do
What kind of challenges do
some of my writings as patterns not have value for it. Anytime
of life in the kingdom of God you face in your journey money becomes the reason
until, I began to understand the and how do you overcome for anything, then it becomes
uniqueness of my walk with them? possible to alter it on demand,
God, or you can say the hope At the beginning of my walk hence it loses the quality of
of my calling in Christ. Most with God I had a lot of chal- being priceless.
of my writings come from the lenges. Sometimes it was Honestly speaking, I do not
place of meditations, of course, getting angry that people did think that there is any earthly
and interactions with the Holy not instantly agree with what I thing that cannot be altered
Spirit. After a time of meditation was saying to them, some other and monetized. The only way
the Holy Spirit would have me times being emotional. I used to help with this is by educat-
pen things down in the form to feel so restless, especially ing the people to have eternal
of prophecies, parables, solu- when a message was within an values, love, joy, patience and
tions to issues, understanding immediate time frame; it really contentment. The truth is what-
of spiritual situations, seasons was difficult at the initial stage. ever comes from you shows
and times, all poetically. That I was labeled with funny names who you are, your values and
is when I began to understand and patronized; I look back now all. So for me to change the
what my life represented in the and laugh. mindset of the people of Afrika
kingdom of God. It is incredibly As time went on and I began from earthly to eternal is very
humbling when I see the lives to mature in the life of God, I key. Change the mindset and
of people conform to the will started to understand that it was values change and every other
of God and come to an under- just fear. So I would go back to thing follows.
standing of the mind of God God with a prayer of mercy and If you were to say something
over their lives or situations af- strength for the people know- to those who may be wrestling
ter reading or listening to any of ing I could not add, remove or with the process of getting to
my writings. It is more amazing make a shift from any position the point of allowing God to
to me. To God be the glory. I was to take. Ezekiel chapter simply do as He wills through
33 was my Bible passage. I them, what would it be?
What is it like giving would also go back to the Holy I believe everybody goes
Spirit to ask for details of the
voice to the utterances through this from the beginning,
message. The utterances that but the feeling begins to give
of God? come from me were to compel way when there is a decisive
It is an awesome responsibil- people to go back to God for decision to love God come what
ity. You have to be mindful of details. That way I am never may, a place of "if I perish I per-
whose words you are uttering the final word, to the glory of ish" That builds strength in the
at every given time. Sometimes God, I always remembered to inner man and of course there’s
it doesn't even come out in tell everyone to go back to God. the most important person of
understandable words, some There were also some challeng- all, the Holy Spirit. The Holy
other times it's in actions and es that were handled by being Spirit is such a loving Being that
positions taken. Whichever way, satisfied with whatever I had at will never put more on you than
there is a message in the heart the time, I learnt how to abase you can bear, find strength in
of God that must be heard,
80 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY