Page 77 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 77


                                                                          10. Protecting myself
                                                                          We still have to leave from time to time,
                                                                          as we go to the clinic. I am minimizing
                                                                          movement and taking pre-cautions when
                                                                          I have to leave wearing my mask, walking
                                                                          with a spirit spray to disinfect surfaces,
                                                                          and maintaining social distance. I’m try-
                                                                          ing to boost my immunity through food,
                                                                          exercise and avoiding stress.
                                                                          I pray that this season passes soon. It is
                                                                          hard, but we continue to look to the Lord
                                                                          who sustains us.

                                                                           Sustain me, my God, according to your
          despite the distance, I shouldn’t   be born at a time such as            promise, and I will live;
          suffer alone. Postpartum de-       this. He knew that they             do not let my hopes be dashed. ~
          pression is real, and I would re-  would be a generation that             Psalm 119:116 (NLT)
          ally like not to experience it this   would live to see His good-
          time.                              ness and  faithfulness  in  If  you would like someone to talk to or
                                             their lifetime.              pray with you, drop me a line via
          6. Making memories                                    
          Babies grow so fast. You spend     8. Amplifying truth
          the first couple of weeks wonder-  I stopped actively pur-
          ing when it will get better, then it   suing  news pertaining  to
          does, but you never get the time   Covid-19.  After  evenings
          back. I’m freezing moments by      of  increased  anxiety  after
          taking  pictures  and  videos. I’m   a daily briefing, I chose joy,
          holding  baby KK, gazing  in  to   and I’ve felt it trickling in. I
          her gorgeous eyes, smelling her    am pursuing truth and pos-
          hair, taking her in and enjoying   itive things. I am listening
          moments with her. I’m also writ-   to more things that make
          ing letters to her in her journal,   happy,  thinking about the
          with prayers I’ve made for  her    things that  I  can change
          and the  sweet things that  hap-   and control, and praying
          pen. These pictures, videos and    about those beyond my
          letters will serve as a reminder   scope.
          of God’s faithfulness in the years   9. Acknowledging my feel-
          to come.                           ings
                                             Some days are hard. Be-
          7. Putting my trust in God         tween the valleys of moth-
          A few weeks after I gave birth, a   erhood  and the realities
          lady told me that she felt pity for   of life, it can be hard  to
          me as this is not the best to have   feel jolly all day long. I’ve
          a  child. As  I  reflected  the  Lord   learned  to acknowledge
          reminded me I can trust Him. He    my feelings, feel them and
          is the One who holds our future    then speak the truth that
          in His hands. He knows us, our     I know. I cling on to it and
          hearts,  and He knows our ba-      declare my total depen-
          bies. He knew them and their       dence on God.
          futures even as He knit them in
          our wombs. He knew that they’d

                                         heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    77
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