Page 79 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 79
Nigerian Poet and Psalmist
Who is Kiki Asonibe? experiences that make up your of mine who told me about a
Kiki Asonibe was born to the lifestyle in the kingdom of God, fellowship he attends that is for
late Mr Sunday and Mrs Eliza- you can't boldly say you have a people who are looking for a
beth Moka and named Nkiruka walk with God, you may proba- deeper life with God. I followed
Moka. She lived and went to bly say you have been happen- him to Jordan Ministries, and
school in Lagos until the early ing into things consciously or within a few weeks I confidently
90s. After her first degree in otherwise but that's all it can be. dropped every financial activi-
Business Education from the In 2009, l began to notice that ty I was involved in and a few
then Anambra State Universi- some of the events that were months down, every finance I
ty Of Technology (Asutech) in happening in my life were not had or saved finished. My life
Enugu before the States were just coincidental, so I became entered into another kind of sto-
divided, she began her trav- more attentive to events around ry, it started becoming clearer
els through countries in North me but somehow, honestly I to me what God meant by being
Africa, Middle East, West Africa don't know how I knew it then, my sole provider.
and a couple of countries in I was sure they were not hu- Exchanges began to happen, I
Europe. She was in and out of manly orchestrated but I didn't became like one who had found
Nigeria for about 20 years be- understand why God would let a valuable Pearl and was willing
fore finally returning to Nigeria such things happen to me. In to sell off every other thing for
in 2009 and settling in Lagos. fact sometime in 2009, I can't that single pearl. Joy and peace
“Kiki” as she is generally known remember the exact month, began to take the place of anx-
today, has two lovely daughters a pastor friend of mine told iety, faith for fear, stability for
and a grandson, loves to read, me that God said to tell me to indecisiveness, understanding
cook, write, travel and house- stop every financial activity I for vagueness. Pictures fitted
keep. She has retired from any was involved in, business and into storylines that confirmed a
active work, enjoys the quiet otherwise and that He, God, is precise walk with God by the
life of meditations and writing and will be my sole provider. I leading of the Holy Spirit, my
psalms and poetry. stared at the pastor knowing meditations and writing inten-
this could not have come from sified, things that looked like
When did you start your him and at the same time, won- mysteries started becoming
dering how I was going to take clearer, I realized nothing was
walk with God and what
care of my daughters, who at a coincidence, everything that
has the experience been
that time were 9 and 17 years had happened to me up until
like? old. Hmmmmm! God is faithful. then were all plans in the life of
I honestly will say that my walk Anyway I did continue dabbling my walk with God. It's incred-
with God started in 2009, when into things which, of course, all ible. I stayed in Jordan Minis-
I returned finally to Nigeria from failed. tries for a while and later moved
the United Kingdom. I don't By my birthday in 2010, I on, thanking God always for the
want to count the years of being prayed to God to please end good, the bad and the ugly, for
born again, being a church this life for mine because I did it all worked and is still working
goer, an active participator in not see any need for it. Come together for good in my life and
church activities, church group to think of it, He did end it, be- walk with God, experiencing
committees and all that be- cause the day after my birthday Him in deeper understandings
cause, for me, unless you have which was the 9th of November of His thoughts and ways,
a precise understanding of the I bumped into the pastor friend submitting to His will as a living heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 79