Page 84 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 84


          individuals – known as law-        somehow - according to the law     to show them just how much
          yers – are so highly skilled and   - and if you’re bad you wait for   they needed Mercy and Grace
          knowledgeable as to be able to     your proverbial 40 days to end.    instead of the judgment of the
          find loopholes within the law to   God help us!                       law, because of the high, high
          allow even those who have con-     I want to suggest two things to    quality of His standard that they
          travened it to escape from the     you for consideration:             could in no way ever hope to
          consequences of their actions      1. The Law was not made by         attain by themselves.
          either partially or entirely. It is   God, but rather is solely a cre-  Anyway, the Israelites decided
          also possible for those who did    ation of man; and                  they wanted the impossible
          not actually do anything to be     2. God has spent eons trying       standard, instead of just being
          found guilty of something, using   to rescue man from the foolish-    humble and admitting to them-
          police, lawyers and that same      ness of the law.                   selves and Him that there was
          law. These individuals are then    To paint this picture, let’s head   no way they could hack it. The
          forced to face punishments they    back to the beginning of all       law that God gave was IM-
          absolutely do not deserve.         things and take a brief but        POSSIBLE to follow, it was the
          Just like any other tool, the law   reflective stroll through time;   equivalent of a trick question,
          can be used for the purposes of    “In the beginning, God..” did      but these guys instead chose
          the betterment or the destruc-     not make the law and He gave       what Adam and Eve chose after
          tion of society. The law was       Adam only 1 do and 1 do not:       they chopped that fruit, they
          probably initially intended as     freely eat alllll of this but do not   chose the knowledge of good
          an instrument of justice, social   eat that one thing, “for in the    and evil, the dichotomy, the laid
          protection and cohesion, but,      day that you eat of it you shall   down rules and procedures.
          regardless of country, it has      surely die.” But isn’t that a law?   Keep in mind they broke these
          often been found terribly lacking   No. That is faith, Hebrews 11.    with regularity, but God kept
          and has even been employed to      Enter the serpent, the eating      using their disobedience to
          serve evil and unjust persons,     of that which was forbidden        illustrate His Mercy and Good-
          corporations and governments,      happened and man’s eyes were       ness. The people didn’t get it
          who are seeking their own end,     opened to know what is good        though and continued to live
          which is the exact opposite of     and what is evil. Dichotomy        like animals, requiring an eye
          what the law is said to exist for.   entered between God and man,     for an eye, choosing to live by
          Some say that the law origi-       and man’s true nature, died.       the sword, choosing to punish
          nated in ancient Greece and        Which is fine, it was needful, so   ‘evil doers’ even while being evil
          Rome, others say it originated     don’t be too hard on Adam or       themselves, eventually nailing
          with God on Mt. Sinai, when He     Eve. With the death of the true    the Word that came to fulfill
          gave the Ten Commandments          man, the increase of the knowl-    the law that they claimed they
          and the law, others may sug-       edge of good and evil created      followed to the Cross. Blind as
          gest that it began in the Garden   a need to govern relationships     bats. They did and still do just
          in Eden with the tree of the       not on the basis of love, but on   like every other nation did and
          knowledge of good and evil. For    the basis of laid down steps and   still does to date i.e. create a
          what is the law of man, except     procedures. Law = laid down,       set of rules and regulations
          for a delineation of behavior      fixed or set (     to live by that often make no
          along the lines of what is good    Did you notice that even then      sense, break all of them, punish
          and what is evil and the map-      God did not produce any rules      the ones who are too weak to
          ping out of the consequences       governing their existence? He      challenge the laws (financially
          of choosing one over the other?    simply removed them from the       or whatever) and proceed as
          These consequences then be-        Garden, for their own protec-      if they are not living a major
          come the tool of control used to   tion, and then He finally ex-      contradiction, lie and betrayal or
          deter such behavior in the rest    pressed His standard of living     that there are no consequences
          of the population and thereby      in writing about two thousand      that await.
          maintain ‘law and order’ through   years later through the Ten        Many times, the Israelites were
          the use of the threat of the       Commandments and the law           comfortable with the idea and
          stick. If you’re ‘good’ you live in   that He gave the people of Isra-  act of condemning the innocent
          fear of being found to be ‘bad’    el. Even then this standard was    and sparing the guilty. Some-

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