Page 81 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 81
(A poem by Kiki)
Him at every point.
If you are faithful in the little
then more will be given. Re- A Pandemic
member that Jesus, when He A pandemic they call it
was leaving the earth, under- A word from study and intelligence
stood the challenges in earth
(Hebrew 2:17) knew that only A description from the place of fear
the Holy Spirit can lead you A blanket generalization of reasoning
successfully on earth. Only the A situation beyond human control.
Holy Spirit knows the will of
God over your life, bear in mind
that no one knows the will of a A Pandemic
man except his spirit( 1st Corin- Sees a crown virus mutating
thians 2:11&12). The Holy Spirit Sees a death toll along its way
knows and understands how Sees a snatching away of organized life
your walk with God is supposed
to be. So hold tight to the Holy Sees a sinking of hopes set on miry clay
Spirit. Sees a place of control from wicked spirits.
A Pandemic
A cry for help
A realization of weakness
An understanding of limitations
In the boast of human power and weapons
When the war is against an unseen enemy.
A Pandemic
Opportunity for a reset
A world that is growing beyond itself
Drawn into deep dungeons of darkness
Hearts running speedily away from its maker
Racing towards eternal damnation.
A Pandemic
Love from the heart of a caring Father
Holding unto His own for a moment of thought
Values and choices that demeans it existence
Far from the will of its creator
Being in the image and likeness of the Father.
A Pandemic
A race of return
Like the prodigal son
To the arms of a hopeful Father
Waiting with richly adornments
A feast of joy for all who made it. heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 81