Page 86 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 86


          another, noses out and plastic     system has become a for-profit     a great idea,” and took over
          bags in the freezer. Alternatively   business run by private sector   the program and the result is
          they are simply kept in check      entities in some countries, that   what you see today. Many who
          through the use of force or the    security is now a commercial       are incarcerated are not guilty,
          threat of it. The law simply has   sector contributing taxes to the   those who are continue to run
          no life to offer because even      government, that people need       their criminal activities even
          when fully obeyed, it turns        professionals to interpret what    from prison, those who were not
          the minds and the hearts of        should have been a simple          guilty sometimes turn to crime
          the people into those who are      code of honor between them-        themselves, those who are
          solely focused on satisfying the   selves (no offense to the pro-     released sometimes continue
          expectations of one another        fessionals concerned, some are     where they left off and mean-
          and defining and designing a       my family members) but that        while the society that caused
          reality filled with ever-increasing   these are actually corporate    the problem in the first place
          guidelines, rules, policies and    concerns that are now contrib-     remains the same or gets in-
          laws that continue to trap them    uting to the capitalist system,    creasingly worse in nature and
          in a world where they will never   should tell you something about    continues to produce ‘criminals’.
          fulfill their purpose or know true   the law. Much like the approach   I watched a video recently
          liberty.                           taken to enforce the Covid-19      which was recorded in 2019,
          The question is, what are we to    requirements in most countries,    where two men in South Afrika
          do? Many will shudder at the       where there is no active push      were being interviewed about
          thought of a country or world      to build up the immunity of the    what they do. They candidly
          that is unbound by the guide-      people through diet, exercise,     said that they were criminals
          lines provided by the law and      exposure to sunlight and fresh     who rob and threaten people.
          will firmly and in the strongest   air, similarly the approach to the   When asked why, they said,
          of terms seek to defend it. But    law has not been an attempt        “We want money.” They ex-
          I have a question. Can we          to rehabilitate the people who     plained their predicament clear-
          sincerely say that the law has     were said to have erred, nor       ly, they need money in order to
          managed to provide order or        has it been an attempt to repair   engage in society but because
          has it actually been the instru-   what aspects of dishonor and       of their background they can-
          ment of great injustice? Truth     injustice exist in society that    not get employed in order to
          be told, the law has provided      triggered the behaviors that       earn money and so they have
          greater access and control to      these people displayed. Rather,    resorted to crime so that they
          those who seek lordship over       the approach to the law has        can have money to buy food, to
          others to do whatever they feel    been one of identifying types      have a place to live and so on.
          like at any point in time and      of people known as ‘criminals’     That is the society we have cre-
          simply change what is written      and building a system to punish    ated and seem to work so dili-
          to suit their own ends. By so      them. It’s funny, but not funny    gently to defend. One in which
          doing, the law has itself become   when you look back and learn       those who lack resources are
          the system that supports and       some of society’s origin stories.   deemed to somehow be wicked
          engenders the injustice that it    There is a pastor I heard say      or failures in some shape or
          says it exists to stop.            once that the pioneers in Amer-    form and it is an acculturated
          I fervently believe that despite   ica started prisons to isolate     belief too. The ones who have
          the general argument that the      errant members of the society      money and status say that you
          law enables us to protect the      from the general community for     have to work hard to earn sta-
          weak and the innocent from         a time, invest love and energy     tus in life, but have no answer
          those who would harm them,         to help them understand their      to give to the construction work-
          that the exact opposite is true    errors and help rehabilitate       er or manual laborer who truly
          and that furthermore, the law      them using Bible teachings so      does exert both muscle and
          has become the tool by which       that they could return and be      brain to his labors diligently and
          the fallen nature of man is        productive members of soci-        faithfully. Why do they not have
          actually allowed to thrive and     ety. He said that they were so     this money? I was in my forties
          perpetuate from generation         successful at doing this that      before I realized that a person
          to generation. That the prison     the government thought, “What      who doesn’t have money is not

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