Page 87 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 87


                                                                                stead of suffering under inferior
                                                                                societal norms and complaining
                                                                                about them every day. If they
                                                                                don’t serve us, surely we should
                                                                                change what’s not working,
                                                                                instead of whining about what
                                                                                isn’t or being afraid to be called
                                                                                dissidents because we have
          evil or deficient in some way…     all. To me, it makes about as
                                                                                seen what is wrong and we are
          can you kindly tell me how         much sense to keep the law in
                                                                                calling it what it is. We need to
          exactly I came to believe that     place as it does to keep grant-
          one who doesn’t have is evil?      ing licenses to companies that     a culture, where we recognize
          Can you? Because I can’t really    manufacture plastics, when you     that some people genuinely do
                                                                                bad things (rich or poor) and
          pinpoint the day that I learnt this   say you’re trying to protect the
                                                                                come up with a way of respond-
          lesson and yet this belief was     environment or authorizing and
                                                                                ing to all of them fairly and in
          ingrained in my psyche some-       promoting the use of pesticides
          how and, until I tasted it for my-  by law which have been prov-      the same way, not based on
          self firsthand, and realized that   en to cause cancer and other      their bank accounts or their
                                                                                family name and to have the
          my condition was not a result      grave illnesses. It is simply
                                                                                courage to do that. We need to
          of my morality or any physical     engendering the problem. It is
                                                                                get away from the law and get
          or mental deficiency, I totally    not changing anything, except
          lacked empathy for others.         giving people the false impres-    back to hearts of justice and
          Seeing them as victims or lazy     sion that justice is upheld in a   compassion, and recognize that
                                                                                these work in tandem with other
          people who had failed in society   country or the accurate impres-
                                                                                issues that need to be resolved
          somehow. It is a sad, sad day      sion that there is no justice and
                                                                                as well in society like respect,
          for the world.                     the country is hypocritical in
          When prominent or rich individ-    nature and encourages such         compassion, mercy, kindness,
          uals, companies, politicians and   hypocrisy in its citizenry.        love. The things that are broken
                                                                                within and around us are basi-
          governments get away with the      What do I suggest, you may
                                                                                cally relational and heart issues
          same crimes that they throw        ask. I look at all these things
                                                                                run amok. The world got so
          others in prison for and when      and I say, surely there must be
          they continue to do the things     a better way. I recognize the      obsessed with letting everybody
          that create insecurity, poverty,   power of God to change a man,      just be happy doing whatever
                                                                                they want to do, that they forgot
          injustice and other of soci-       because I know what I used to
                                                                                that this is simply madness
          ety’s ills, what exactly are they   be. First things first, we need
                                                                                and they created a system to
          expecting the outcome to be?       to admit to ourselves that we
          Making a policeman smile when      are living a lie and that we need   answer a heart issue. That’s
          he is questioning a suspect, in    help and seek that help most       completely the wrong way to
                                                                                handle anything to do with the
          order to create better relations   sincerely from Him. We need
                                                                                heart and mind. The law doesn’t
          with the community, doesn’t        to restore the code of honor
                                                                                work. The law does not offer
          make that judge who commit-        between men, where one gives
          ted a crime and got away with      their word to do something         justice or bring social cohesion
          it innocent. Imprisoning an        good and honors it, not this       and balance. It never has and it
                                                                                never will. Love, however, has
          individual for poisoning a child,   psychosis and dysfunction that
                                                                                answer for all things. Read 1
          when the government man-           we entertain, where someone
                                                                                Corinthians 13 for yourself and
          dates vaccines that have been      will promise to do something
          proven by their own science        and then ghost you as if you of-   see what would happen if we
          to have side effects that are      fended them when they are the      actually practiced what is writ-
                                                                                ten there daily.
          detrimental to the child’s health   ones that opened their mouths
          in the immediate and long-term,    and made that commitment.
          sends a very clear message to      Let’s build together what makes
          people: continue in your crime,    sense and contributes genuine-
          the government does it after       ly to love and brotherhood, in-

                                         heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    87
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