Page 92 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 92
When, how and why did Sim-
ply Do Good Kenya start?
SDG was started in July 2016
after the team at Tin Roof Foun-
dation decided that they needed
to create a way for people to
give back to their communities
in very simple and impactful
We had just come from wrap-
ping up a campaign against
Childhood Cancer and seen so
many different people want to
get involved through volunteer- people’s day. I have a young
ing their time, energy and skills. son and I want him to grow up What sorts of programmes do
It became clear that people are knowing that people care for you do?
often looking for a place they each other and look out for one Simply Do Good can be adapt-
can give back to and so Simply another. I want him to be com- ed for a variety of different
Do Good was birthed. To give passionate and look beyond groups. We currently partner
permission and demonstrate himself. with Africa Youth Leadership
how simple it can be to inten- SDG’s goal is to create a Forum as the action arm for
tionally do acts of kindness. culture of selfless generosity. their work in developing young
That’s a world I want to be part leaders on university campus-
There are three of you on the of and I’m happy to be part of es. We also work with churches
team, please tell us a little the team trying to make that and corporates to find the heart
about yourselves and what happen. of the people and ways they
drives you to do this? can simply do good rather than
My name is Barbara, I have My name is Beth Wanyoro all the giving being dictated
been part of SDG from its and like Barbara, I never saw from the leadership.
inception. I studied Forensic myself working in this line of In order to inspire people to do
Science and did not ever see work- I am a Political Science good, we organize deeds that
myself in the social impact side graduate. My mantra in life is to people can participate in and
of life,but here we are. I do not put a smile on someone’s face we partner with other organi-
regret it one bit, innately I have at least each day and by the zations to provide volunteer
always loved LOVE. Not in end of the year, I would have opportunities. We believe that
the romantic sense but in the touched 365/366 lives. As much volunteering is a great way for
phileo sense. I have this deep as I may not do that because young people to build their skills
belief that love can conquer all we are all human, I looked for and enhance their CVs.
the hate and evil things in this a platform that would help me
world. SDG is a conduit do that- SDG provided that We have focus areas that guide
for me and other people to platform for me. I joined SDG us, namely:
spread this love in the most on one deed that we did at the ● Public Officers i.e. police
authentic and simple way. central park during my holiday officers,
in my 3rd year of university.
I’m Kirsty and originally from We were giving random people ● Vulnerable people i.e.
Scotland, I’ve been in Kenya for notes of encouragement and I children with special needs,
almost 14 years. After working was sold out to what they were elderly people, people with
with a small NGO for ten years, doing. I became a volunteer disabilities
I joined the SDG team which and would join in the deeds
felt like coming home. It was and later I joined the SDG team ● Environment.
like being given permission to and we continue to spread love
randomly help others and do in the simplest ways and inten- What has it been like running
small things that would brighten tional acts of kindness. SDG in Kenya? Are people
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