Page 96 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 96
Afrika as a name
The name Afrika is a combina-
tion of two words Afri and Ka.
Other indigenous people of
Africa used the name “Afri” or
“Ifran”. The ancient language
of Mizraim/Kemet (Ancient
Egypt) called Afrika “Af-Rui-
Ka.” It means the opening of
Ka. Afri like Afro means black
and Ka means soul or spirit. It
also means the place of birth.
So technically, Afrika means
the land of the blacks; that is
the womb of spirit or soul. And There are lots of ideas propa- Kwame Nkrumah's idea for a
what this tells me is that Afrika, gated by the founding fathers of united Afrika is also one that
independent Afrika. One of such should help us relook the way
as a continent, has been living
ideas is Nyerere's Ujamaa Phi- we are going and then make
outside of her original founda-
losophy. According to Ronald the changes that we definitely
tional idea, which is to give life
or be the plumb line for others Elly Wanda, “Nyerere"s theory need in this age. In his words
to follow, and instead she has of Ujamaa was more concerned at the eve of the founding of
with practical political intent and the organization, he said “With-
been living out the false idea
in my view, it emerged from out necessarily sacrificing our
and identity given to her by
extended reflections on the na- sovereignties, big or small, we
her oppressors. So, since the
foundational identity of Afrika ture of cognition, the structure can here and now forge a po-
as the cradle of humanity is that of social inquiry, the normative litical union based on defense,
basis of political, economic and foreign affairs and diplomacy
of being the womb of life, the
social interactions of not only and a common citizenship, an
arms that nurture life, compas-
his Tanzanian compatriots but African currency, an African
sion, care, love, brotherhood,
Ubuntu etc, then I think it's time also of Africans in general. He monetary zone and an African
for Afrika as a people to rise saw social justice as an im- Central Bank. We must unite in
portant element that could only order to achieve the full libera-
above their individual national
be achieved by having human tion of our continent. We need
cultures which were created by
equality. a common defense system with
the foundational ideas of the
colonialists, to embrace one Af- African High Command to en-
rikan culture that will give voice As such, the foundation of the sure the stability of Africa…with
Ujamaa philosophy is based on our united resources, energies
to our collective destiny as the
three principles: work by every- and talents we have the means,
womb that gives birth to life and
one and exploitation by none; as soon as we show the will, to
the arms that also nurture life.
That way we can rise above the fair sharing of resources which transform the economic struc-
fifty-five foundational ideas that are produced by joint efforts; tures of our individual states
and equality and respect for from poverty to that of wealth,
created a divided Afrika. We
human dignity. Nyerere’s belief from inequality to the satisfac-
need a new Afrikan narrative
in Ujamaa was largely driven by tion of popular needs. Only
that gives strength to the ideas
of the founding fathers of inde- the fact that Africans are people on a continental basis shall
pendent Afrika. We have the who work together for the ben- we be able to plan the proper
efit of all community members. utilization of all our resources
needed ideas that will create
He, as such, stood firm against for the full development of our
a new and thriving Afrika, we
exploitation that he saw being continent.” The Afrikan leaders
just have to know that we have
them, embrace them and then perpetuated by the capitalist did not appreciate Nkrumah’s
create with them. economic system as this en- wisdom at that time, but the
couraged individualism at the Europeans did. The concept of
expense of the community." the European Union is based
Ideas of the Afrika's founding
96 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY