Page 97 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 97


          on Nkrumah’s ideas, to the det-    become healing centers where       even say it's part of the globalist
          riment of Afrikan unity.           true rehabilitation can take       agenda since Covid-19 didn’t
                                             place for those who erred on       seem to achieve what was
          Let’s change the cultural          the side of the law and not the    expected by the so-called elites.
          narrative                          place where they are made into     All of these scenarios may be
          An Afrika proverb says that        worse criminals; a new narra-      true and I am not dismissing
          a child leaves the stone that      tive of the educational system     them, but I watched a video
          made him fall right where he fell   that teaches our children the     where an ex American police
          but an elder falling on the same   value of life, love, brotherhood,   officer was using the situa-
          stone will move it away so         Ubuntu, true Afrikanism, com-      tion to paint a picture of what
          nobody else falls on it. Afrika at   passion, mindfulness, honor for   happened with the children of
          "sixty" has come of age to know    parents and elders; and a new      Israel when they were slaves in
          the stones that keep making        narrative of politics in which     Egypt. And how that after 430
          her fall and she really needs      leaders are not chosen by the      years, they had to be freed by
          to decide to remove them. We       public based on how deep their     force. His words kinda resonate
          have enough foundational ideas     pockets are but by how large       with me more than the other
          that can create the reality and    their hearts are for the emanci-   stories, for clearly, the modern
          vitality that we want.             pation of their people.            day Afrikan Americans are de-
                                                                                scendants of Afrikans that were
          The new age of the Black           The Black Afrikan solidarity       taken to slavery for 400 years.
          Afrikan                                                               Sounds similar right? Yes it
          I cannot tell you right at this mo-  On May 25th of 2020, the world   does. And now the call is for the
          ment that I have the full mean-    watched on social media the        freedom of Afrikans from every
          ing and context of the idea be-    horrible killing of a 45 year old   form of slavery, both in the form
          hind this new age of the Black     Afrikan American George Floyd      of racism or mental slavery.
          Afrikan that I am talking about,   by a Minneapolis Police officer    Yes, Afrikan Americans are all
          but believe you me, I know         named Derek Chauvin. Floyd         considered American citizens
          something great is coming,         died of asphyxia, due to com-      and they may not necessarily
          which I shall share as it unfolds   pression to the neck - which      be chased out of America by
          as permission is given to do so.   can interfere with oxygen going    the US government to come
          The innovative spirit that was     to the brain - and compression     back to Afrika, that is not tech-
          suddenly awakened in Afrika        to the back, which interferes      nically possible, but the Afrikan
          during this Covid-19 shutdown      with breathing, Floyd's death,     Americans themselves must
          certainly is creating a picture of   like a bombshell instantly set   know that the time has come
          what can happen for Afrika, if     off a myriads of events that       for them to be set free from
          we as Afrikans decide to delib-    led to days of protests, chaos,    slavery of whatever form. They
          erately create a new narrative     unrest, looting, arson in multiple   must now begin to reconnect
          for ourselves. We can create a     cities of America. Some say        themselves back to their home
          new narrative of new technol-      the murder was purely a racist     in Afrika and help to rebuild the
          ogies that give life to organic    issue from a white man towards     broken places in Motherland
          farming and not the capitalistic   a black man. That is under-        Afrika.
          farming of dead GMO foods;         standable judging by how many
          a new narrative of health care     of such crimes against Afrikan     These incidences of the pan-
          based on natural medicine and      Americans have taken place         demic, and the death of Floyd
          holistic healing; a new narrative   over the years. But you will      that followed, should wake up
          of law and order based on the      agree with me that the way the     Afrikans at home and in the Di-
          principle of Afrikan Ma’at justice   entire situation quickly went out   aspora to understand that home
          system and not the colonialist     of hand, from simple protests      is always the best place to be
          police system that was created     over murder, to a chaotic situa-   and that we need a new cul-
          for the oppression and muzzling    tion that needed the American      ture of oneness that truly gives
          of locals by the colonial ad-      military to step into the streets   strength to our Afrikanism.
          ministrators; a new narrative of   of their own land… that it must
          reforming our prison systems to    mean something else. Some          It is time...let my people go.

                                         heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    97
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