Page 98 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 98


                                                       ReFlections of

                                                       an AFRIKAN

                                                                                     Samuel Phillips

                         A teacher is only as good as his student -

                                                    My musings

          A                                  happened. What happened            made to think, and which we

                      teacher is only
                                             was, not that you are not a
                      as good as his
                                                                                ourselves have believed over
                                                                                time. But my question has re-
                                             good teacher, it’s just that, con-
                      student, is a
                      statement that
                                             cerning this particular student,
                                                                                mained the same. What exactly
                      came to me in my
                                                                                not have a one shot answer to
          meditations a while ago and it     a connection to who they are       is wrong with Afrika? I really do
                                             on the inside was not made.
          stuck with me. At first it made    Sometimes, teachers can only       this question, but here is what
          sense to say that a student is     teach to the extent to which       I think. I think we are target-
          only as good as his teacher,       they can get into their student's   ing the wrong things with our
          which to some extent is cor-       inner person and that is very      amazing Afrikan knowledge and
          rect, but thinking further and     critical for both teaching and     wisdom systems. That's what
          putting context to the state-      learning.                          I think and I believe I have the
          ment, it made perfect sense to                                        right to my own opinion. Just
          say that a teacher is only as      Back to Afrika                     like my musing that a teacher
          good as his student. But what      Afrika certainly has amazing       is only as good as his student,
          does it mean? It simply means      scholars, innovators, thinkers,    I think we are not getting re-
          that a teacher is only as good     creators, idealists in various     sults for our abundance of
          as the degree to which he or       sectors of our societies. This     knowledge in Afrika, because
          she is able to reach the inner     I know for sure because, as        we keep pouring knowledge
          person sleeping in the heart of    a writer and designer for this     into mind vessels that are not
          the student. To put it in anoth-   magazine and the various           worthy of such knowledge. And
          er way, have you ever had an       designs and other writings that    when I say ‘not worthy’, I do not
          experience in which you have       I do, lots of information passes   mean it in a bad way. What I
          been trying to teach something     through my desk in forms of ar-    mean is that, we keep pouring
          to a child or an adult, and the    ticles, papers, e-books and the    knowledge into minds that are
          person is not getting it? Then     various things that people from    not refined, renewed or even
          someone else comes along           around Afrika share with us for    prepared to both accept the
          and says the same very thing       the magazine. You can easily       knowledge and also use it right.
          you said and instantly the child   tell that Afrika is not a continent   And this is not just from the
          gets it. You might wonder what     of dullards, like we have been     space of the students receiving

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