Page 93 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 93
supportive or resistant and What do you think is the dif- Juja, Riruta and Karen, Em-
what sorts of challenges have ference between doing good bakasi and Pangani Police
you faced along the way? for the sake of love for Stations.
As Kenyans, we seem to humanity and doing good - Making tea for the night
always be there for people in just to sell an organization? guards at their apartment.
a crisis or when they need our Doing good for the sake of love
help re harambees on school for humanity is a long-term What do you think are the
fees, weddings, medical fees, investment and goal while doing main hindrances to restoring
funerals etc. We always give. In good just to sell an organization and sustaining a culture of
the beginning, we thought that is based on so many variables care in Kenya and Afrika?
this would be an easy concept and can change as fast as one The fact that there seems to be
to be grasped since we already changes their clothes, This more bad or evil that is taking
help. means that the impact that will centre stage than good. This
But over the years, Kenyans be made will not be long-lasting creates a lot of skepticism
have become cynical and skep- or positive, to say the least. in people and this is usually
tical about fund-raisers because Doing good for the sake of harder to shift. As the corruption
of the many con stories that humanity is a lifestyle, you live and the fact that bad deeds go
have come up. We have had it every day no matter which unpunished and the feeling that
people wonder why we were organization you are in. It goes doing good is like adding a drop
carrying out the good deeds with you everywhere. to an ocean, not much change
without getting anything in will happen.
return because nothing is ever What has it been like mobiliz-
free. While others have gladly ing during Covid-19? In case someone somewhere
participated in giving back. We haven’t organized any for- wants to join your team, is it
mal deeds recently as we don’t possible and how should
want to put our volunteers at they go about it?
How do you deal with the risk. SDG is about doing simple and
challenges and discourage- Our focus in this time has intentional acts of kindness,
ment that you face? been to remind people to keep this means that it should be
We have core values that guide it simple and that there are transferable to every household
us as we select what deed to small things they can do for the and corner of this country and
carry out. These core values people on their doorstep. Our world. So if someone wants to
are what keep us focused volunteers have risen to the join the team, they can send us
even when we are discouraged occasion and have told us of a message on our socials and
because, at the end of the some of the things they have ask to join the volunteer team
day, we are not doing this for done themselves: and we will share resources
recognition but for the Glory of - Helping to educate the chil- and training for them to be able
God. Remembering why we are dren in their neighborhood to replicate the deeds in their
doing what we are doing helps about COVID19 and the need immediate community.
a lot. to wash their hands
- Giving words of encourage- Any plans to go beyond Ken-
ment to customers in a shop ya's borders?
- Calling friends to check they Definitely, as far and as wide as
are ok possible.
- Babysitting for neighbors who
need to go to work or What message do you have
having a tough time for Afrika and the world con-
- Refilling hand-washing sta- cerning simply doing good?
tions near them It does not take a lot of resourc-
- Sharing important information es or planning or energy to be a
about COVID on their social little bit kinder to your neighbor
media or people around you. It really is
- We have done police deeds in simple to do good! heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 93