Page 88 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 88


          DO NOT QUENCH



           Samuel Phillips                                                      ple have been wronged from all
                                                                                directions and it’s ok to be angry
                                                                                with  those  who have  wronged
                     ife is about change,    a collection of men or the entire   us. But permit me to say that I
                     movement         and    society think, so they are and     have never seen anyone build a
                     shifts. Shifts in cul-  as they consciously continue to    living society or make a goodly
                     ture, shifts in life's   think, so they will remain. Mean-  shift using hate and revenge. It
         Lperspective,               shifts  ing that to change a society for   has never worked and it will not
          in what motivates one's  mind      the better, ignite a shift in think-  work. Meaning that the time has
          to do things, shifts in what and   ing in the minds of a few and      come for  Afrika  to  make con-
          how  one thinks about  self and    by the law of multiplication and   scious shifts in our thoughts, as
          others and how it all affects the   replication, other minds can  be   regards going forward.
          overall wellbeing of the commu-    affected and massive  thought      Gathering information for this
          nity and society at large. Every   energy  can be created  for the    magazine from  all over  Afrika
          shift  in life or  in a culture al-  intended shift. But the question   has  opened  my wife  and  I to
          ways begins with a thought and     will be, what should be the mo-    many  Afrikan writers, thinkers,
          such thoughts are motivated by     tive behind the motivation of a    scholars  and  all  that. Some-
          what one sees, hears, feels and    shift in Afrika?                   times we meet those who are
          smells. Meaning that everything                                       amazingly passionate about the
          that will happen to our world and   The Afrikan way of Ubuntu         Afrikan narrative for change and
          societies as regarding making a    If  there are a people  that has   they go all out to do their quo-
          shift towards better realities  al-  been  wrongfully   oppressed     ta with good and positive hearts
          ways begins with a thought. For    and marginalized  on the world     and attitudes. Sometimes we
          as a man thinks so is he and as    stage, it is Afrika. We as a peo-  meet those who are passionate

          88        |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                          HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY
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