Page 85 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 85
times these acts were commit-
ted by men who set themselves
as rulers and holy men, the
so-called highest standard in
the land i.e. the ‘elites’. Com-
pare that with a president who
will order the arrests of those
caught in the act of corruption,
while conveniently protecting
his family and cronies or even
himself, yet they are all guilty of
doing the same thing. Consider
the numerous cases worldwide
of people who were sentenced
to lengthy prison terms, even
death sentences, who were ac-
tually wrongly accused. Consid-
er the greedy person, corpora-
tion or government that decides
it wants the land that you and to dig deeper and understand, themselves and come gently
your family have owned for they will quickly find out that the and softly to the people who
hundreds of years and so they root cause is based on simple hired them in the first place and
use the court system to take it logic. The individual in question say to them, “Let’s work out a
away from you and declare you has taken note of contradictions solution together that we can all
landless. Just like the fig tree between what is written as law live up to,” but I find that it is dif-
leaves, the law, a system built and what is done by the ‘ruling ficult for heavily compromised,
and created and established by class’ in reality and they ask arrogant and corrupt people
man to cover his nakedness is why they are subject to a matter to even admit error or to calm
what they turn to, to try cover that the people in charge them- down and come down to the
their failures and ineptitude and selves do not honor. It is not level of a simple person (which
mostly, rebellion against a true complicated. One’s moral au- they are. as you find once they
connection with God. thority to establish rule of law is lose their positions) and dia-
Parents, teachers, govern- directly related to their own hon- logue as friends, sans the law.
ments, employers and others oring of the same rule of law. The law does nothing except
in positions of authority have to Without this honor they lose all create dichotomy after dichoto-
understand one thing, people spiritual and moral authority and my. It cannot do anything else.
are inherently wired to identify will as a matter of course have That is its nature. The law is
and reject injustice and dis- to resort to physical force or divisive, pure and simple. Good
honor. It is innately wired in us threats of physical force in order and bad, right and wrong, those
by God, for various reasons. to gain compliance. This results are the criteria it recogniz-
This is what those ‘in charge in a cycle of defiance, rebellion es… unless you have a really
of things’ tend to think of as a and the threat or use of force, great lawyer or in some cases,
person being ‘ungovernable’ on and on and could end badly pockets deep enough to line the
or ‘difficult’. They are not. They for either party. coffers of a judge and jury sub-
have simply observed a contra- I often wonder whether govern- stantially. There is, therefore,
diction somewhere or spotted ments feel at a loss of what to no justice in the world and in
dishonor somewhere or iden- do when it comes to the man- light of this injustice, there is no
tified injustice that they natu- agement of people, and then I order, because the people who
rally reject. If rulers, business realize that they do and that this have entrusted the system to
leaders and even parents fail to bewilderment is displayed in the their proxies for effective man-
understand this, they will quick- actions that they take concern- agement have taken note that
ly respond to this reaction with ing the people. Then I wonder their trust has been dishonored
the force of law, but if they care why they do not simply humble and they rebel in one form or heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 85