Page 83 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 83
little later than required. Many “Why couldn’t they have been governing certain interactions
wondered, is it that the disease in the house on time? What’s within society, the breach of
becomes more potent at exactly wrong with them? They de- which can result in some form
7pm? Others said that one has served what they got! Kenyans of punishment or penalty or
to be firm when enforcing new don’t think.” Really? Someone’s other. The penalty is meant to
requirements otherwise the father, mother, brother, sister or serve as a deterrent to the rest
people don’t listen. I person- child deserved to be beaten by of the citizenry of the country or
ally think it’s that the law was the police to the point of injury international community to pre-
issued to enforcers and either or death, because they were vent them from daring to defy
the law maker or the enforcer or late on day one of the curfew the law. The law is supported
both, did not carefully consider and they should have planned by a system which is used to
that: 1) They were dealing with better so that they would not be enforce it: law makers, police
people, like themselves, who beaten? Meaning that if you are officers (enforcers), lawyers,
ought to be treated as humans; in the house on time then you judges, court houses, prisons,
2) The law in and of itself could are good, but if you are not then pharmacists, poisoners, elec-
have been interpreted with you are bad? No consideration trocutioners and hangmen. It’s
compassion, rather than brute for whether the law even made funny just how complex the sys-
force and that this would have sense in the first place or what tem actually is, requiring even
achieved better results, as was could have happened to delay different hierarchies of courts
seen in several exceptional them? No cries that we should to which one can appeal their
cases; 3) Using brute force to treat each other with hearts of case, in situations where the a
try to convince people that you compassion, but rather, ‘beat ruling or judgment does not go
are trying to protect them from them like the dogs they are, in one’s favor.
harm might be considered to they are evil, they were not in Laws were and are created by
be somewhat contradictory; 4) the house on time, they are not people who sat/sit to determine
The law creates hard lines and good like me’? For all those what is good and what is bad,
hard positions and one should who were supporting the beat- what is right and what is wrong
be careful what one determines ings, the president did apolo- and to try as much as possible
should be enforced. This is not gize for what happened, so how to capture or consider every
just about Kenya. I saw a report does that make you feel about possible scenario of human,
on Al Jazeera that said that your position? business or government inter-
in South Afrika, people were For any lawyers out there, action within reason. The law is
beaten or even shot by secu- keep in mind this piece was rigid and exerts penalties even
rity forces and that in Nigeria not written by one, but rather up to and including the actual
security forces killed about 18 by someone who is trying to death of a person or persons
people in relation to Covid-19 make sense of this world we either at the hands of the police
enforcement measures. These seem determined to design in or following a judgment in court.
three countries have cases of as faulty a manner as possible Let me restate this, the law has
murder, rape, injustice and vio- - while citing good intentions guidelines determining whether
lence which have been reported - and then defending with all you should be allowed to con-
all in connection with a situation might as if we built the absolute tinue to exist on earth, or not.
where the countries in question paragon of perfection, until the The law also can define a pen-
were trying to protect their peo- system comes knocking on our alty that results in the absolute
ple from a disease. Hmm. doors, because it somehow and total loss of personal prop-
Sometimes I see things hap- decided we were on the wrong erty, money or freedom (time),
pen where the law is then cited side of it. reputation and so on, depend-
as if it was God, father, moth- The law is a set of written ing on the circumstances - fair,
er, teacher and everything in guidelines that countries use just and true, or not. Over time,
between, without consideration to establish and maintain order the law became such a com-
for the circumstance. Some within and outside of their plex mechanism that specialists
responses to the things that borders. The law is a set of had to be trained to understand
happened in Kenya from the instructions that contain or com- and to help people understand
citizens were along the lines of, municate basic dos and don’ts and navigate it. Some of these heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 83