Page 82 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 82
The Letter kills…
Chioma Phillips
I disregarded and so on. To be ing the bags the problem? Is it
have been laughing a
honest, though, this isn’t iso-
those people who close their
little to myself lately about
lated to Covid-19, it happens
eyes and open their palms at
the goings on around
Covid-19 and the rules and
single rule and regulation and
regulations that were put into every day in relation to every the ports of entry who should
be blamed? Or was the law that
place that have been defied at every level of society. was created and the manner in
with some abandon. When the In Kenya, for instance, the ban which it was implemented the
police are present to enforce on single-use plastics went into problem? I suppose this could
the guidelines, all masks are effect and was enforced with be debated at some length in
on, mouths AND noses are fully strength, but shortly afterwards one direction or another.
covered, hands are washed or the tiny transparent bags used Consider another instance, the
sanitized, food carts disappear for packing fruit and vegeta- implementation of the curfew in
from sight, but as soon as the bles and for putting food in the Kenya for Covid-19 was rather
police turn around and enter freezer reappeared and only brutal, particularly in its earlier
their vehicles to leave – noses disappear when an enforcer is stages, with people being beat-
are out in full display or masks in sight. Are the people who are en and incarcerated or forceful-
quickly whipped off, food carts using the bags disobedient? ly put under quarantine for two
rolled out, hand washing is Are the people who are supply- weeks for being on the road a
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