Page 95 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 95


              very age and generation        with all her human and natural     vices in Kenya and if you trace
              has a culture, tradition, way   resources, but still living largely   these backwards in history, you
              of life that is unique to them   in poverty, with no stable pow-  will find out that the founda-
          Eand which, consciously or         er supply and the many other       tional idea for a created Kenya
          unconsciously, defines their       issues of corruption wreaking      was simply that of a production
          perspective about life and by      havoc on that beautiful West       plant from whence resources
          that, they create their popular    Afrikan nation? If you trace her   produced by the sweat of the
          narrative and their collective     origin as a nation created by      locals were sent to the nation
          life's reality. Culture is so deeply   the colonialists, you will see the   of the colonial masters. It has
          ingrained in the heart and mind    foundational problem which has     not changed even up till now.
          of the people, that it literally   created a cultural narrative of    The question now is this: why
          dictates how they see life and     individualism, self-preservation,   have these cultures of loyalty to
          whether they react or respond      selfishness, greed for more,       the wrong and imposed foun-
          to life's issues and how they      crab in the barrel syndrome -      dational ideas that created the
          create new realities.              which tries to pull others down    fifty-five nations persisted until
                                             instead of working together to     now? Why are we still affected
          Before going further, let’s take   rise together - and the massive    by these things, and why are
          a look at the meaning of cul-      corruption it has created. The     we not changing them even
          ture. Culture defined by online    disunity it has created is also    after sixty years of indepen-
          dictionary means "the ideas,       beyond words.                      dence?
          customs, and social behavior of
          a particular people or society."   In tracing the history of Nigeria   Raise up the Afrikan culture
          Belief systems create culture      as a nation birthed in 1914, you   of life
          and culture creates the con-       will find that it was an experi-   There isn’t one simple answer
          sciousness with which the peo-     ment that was created to see       to the above questions, but we
          ple of a particular society live.  if the Northern and Southern       can at least begin to narrow
                                             protectorates could be merged      down what we must do to cre-
          It’s very difficult to speak about   as one. It was a kind of forceful   ate a new Afrikan narrative, by
          the defining culture of a people   marriage between two entities      consciously striving to change
          and how it affects their narra-    that were never supposed to be     our cultural identity.
          tive, without first understand-    together. And this idea was not    With all the issues happening
          ing the foundational idea that     even from the people them-         in Afrika and in light of the fact
          birthed that particular society.   selves but from the foreigners     that no nation in Afrika has
          Afrika is a country of fifty-five   whose intentions were for self    been able to rise above the
          nations with fifty-five different   gain. The unification was done    imposed foundational ideas with
          foundational ideas that creat-     for economic reasons, rather       which each was created, should
          ed them, which foundational        than political - Northern Nige-    it not be time for us to look for
          ideas really didn't begin with the   ria Protectorate had a budget    an alternative solution to our
          people themselves but with the     deficit; and the colonial adminis-  collective problems? I think it’s
          foreign interests that colonized   tration sought to use the budget   time to do so. Meaning it’s time
          them. Meaning that, Afrika as      surpluses in Southern Nigeria      to look away from the fifty-five
          a continent of fifty-five nations,   to offset this deficit. And what   nation culture which was cre-
          which were forcefully created      happens to a marriage that was     ated by the foundational ideas
          by the colonialists, are not living   imposed, not by the will of the   of the colonialists and by which
          out their original culture which   two, but by the will of others,    Afrikan nations have remained
          was steeped in Afrikanism, but     the children will suffer. So it's a   stagnant and to begin to shift
          are living out the imposed cul-    state of every man for himself     towards a common Afrikan
          tures that were created through    and it is pathetic. And this also   culture, found in the meaning of
          the colonial ideas that birthed    goes for every other Afrikan       her name and in the ideologies
          each nation. For instance, do      nation. You see deep levels of     of some of the Afrikan founding
          you wonder what is wrong with      capitalism and over-commer-        fathers.
          a mighty nation like Nigeria,      cialization of goods and ser-

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