Page 74 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 74
that vaccination is not a tool
for health but for the breaking
down of your natural immune
system, which, when that wall
of natural defense is down, the
body will no longer have the
ability to defend itself against
diseases. And also consid-
er that with the new science
field of nanotechnology, vac-
cines can be infused with tiny
bio-computers the size of hu-
man cells and by which humans
can be controlled like robbots. agenda much more. So that the is leading the co-creation of a
So for you guys advocating number of those expected to be new global vision and strategy
for vaccines, which are most- vaccinated (poisoned) that were to address these challenges
ly bio-weapons packaged in not reached in the last decade [i.e. “insufficient access to
fine words, you had better pay will be reached in the next. And vaccines”] over the next de-
attention to global trends, or in why use such a deadly weapon cade, to be endorsed by the
another decade’s time, you will called corona virus? It’s very World Health Assembly. IA 2030
realize that you have sentenced easy to persuade every govern- envisions a world where every-
your own people to an untimely ment on earth to make policies one, everywhere, at every age,
death. So it’s not a coincidence that will favor the use of vac- fully benefits from vaccines to
that the corona virus hit at the cination, especially when they improve health and well-being.”
beginning of this new decade. are led to believe that it’s for the It all sounds like a pretty good
It was scripted and created to good of their people. It’s equally agenda for global good, but
kill and also to push the vaccine easy to persuade a frightened you must pull your head out of
people to accept these vaccines that line of thought and begin
during a ‘global crisis’. It’s both to realize that whatever is in
a tool for population control and the script of the globalists is not
a huge money making agenda for you, but for the one who is
for those that think they have called the god of this world.
control of other people’s lives.
And for those who think that the
And if you want to think further, United Nations is their friend or
The break away from EU the United Nations has called big brother, please think again.
means that they have to 2030 the deadline for The Sus- For the United Nations as an
urgently look for new mar- tainable Development Goals. organization is nothing but an
In their words "The Sustainable
arm of the globalist machinery
kets and partnerships. And Development Goals are a first mandated with the facilitation
because my Afrikan peo- in human history—a global of the creation of the ten su-
compact to create a future per nations (the ten kings of
ple have not learnt to see where nobody is left behind." Revelation) for the rule of the
clearly, they are excited and The second thing to keep in Antichrist to begin. You may
clearly have forgotten the mind, in line with vaccination hide your head in the sand or fill
agenda, is that the World Health your ears with wool, or give this
chains and the slave ships Organization has announced an a religious definition but what
that the first bridge brought initiative called “Immunization is meant to be, will be, except
with it. That too is a Trojan Agenda 2030: A Global Strat- God steps in to put a stop to the
madness of the human heart.
egy to Leave No One Behind”,
horse. of which they say (in draft four,
April 2, 2020), “With the support
of countries and partners, WHO
74 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY