Page 63 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 63
If Tanzania is displaying boldness concerning the falsehoods
hidden within the Covid-19 pandemic, then Afrika should of the tests.
Speaking in a video that went vi-
pay attention and also borrow a leaf. Such boldness will be ral, President Magufuli said “My
needed for Afrika to survive the global wickedness that is own son, after contracting the vi-
coming. rus, closed himself in his room,
took a lemon and ginger solution
before getting well and is even
able to do push-ups. We have
frika, and the rest of The pandemic has shown us, had a number of viral diseases,
the world, are going over the past months, what can including AIDS and measles.
through this season of happen right under our noses as Our economy must come first. It
Athe reset via the Co- Afrikans and how that the con- must not sleep. If we allow our
vid-19 pandemic and we all are spiracy to completely destroy economy to sleep, we will not
hoping that it ends soon. How- Afrikans is still very much alive. receive salaries… Life must go
ever, the hope of it ending is not We have seen with our own on,” he added.
so that life can to go back to the eyes, and heard with our own Media houses and health pro-
normal that we had pre Covid-19, ears and should now believe fessionals did not waste time
but to a new normal of conscious that when it comes to Afrika, the at all and called him out, some
thinking, with actionable plans world still sees us as the back- citing his actions as irrespon-
that should see Afrika take some ward cave dwellers they thought sible. Well for me, it’s not a big
major bold steps towards a con- our ancestors were. They still deal, for clearly that is what usu-
scious freedom from the pow- undermine whatever Afrika has ally happens when anyone goes
ers that have been in control for to give to the world and that is against the popular direction,
decades. I want to believe that not a badge of honor, but that of especially when there are lots
this pandemic, if nothing else, dishonor for our collective Afri- of agendas playing out on the
has or should have taught us all kan intelligence. However, how global front. And to make mat-
some lessons about what Afrika we respond to all these deroga- ters more interesting, on March
should really be aiming at, as tory attitudes the world keeps 25th, it was reported that Presi-
regards creating a new pathway pushing towards Afrika, will dent Magufuli had banned the
for our emancipation. determine how soon we come use of masks in Tanzania, which
away from such. For almost all was later reported to be incor-
Righteousness exalts a nation, the time, problems are not really rect, but he however ordered
but sin is a reproach to that na- the issue, but it is what we re- the resumption of public trans-
tion. And as scripture puts it, "the spond with and how we respond port services and the reopening
wicked flee when no one pur- that matters. of schools, with adherence to
sues, but the righteous are bold the health directives of the Tan-
as a lion." What that tells me is Boldness to face challenges zanian ministry of health. These
that boldness is not just some and to move forward events in Tanzania, especially
fear-facing attitude of the mind, as regards the decisions of the
but it is a spirit of might and con- A short while ago, news came president, were seen by some
fidence, found in a heart that is out of Tanzania showing some as reckless, but my thoughts
clean and a hand that has been malpractices concerning Co- are these: should Afrika by now
made strong by something vid-19 tests. President Magufuli not be bold enough to stop for a
bigger and higher than that of Tanzania claimed that he had minute, check the data available
which causes fear. If there is any sent secret samples of pawpaw concerning the popular narrative
time in history that Afrika needs fruit and sheep, which were of how deadly the corona virus
the boldness of mind, boldness given human names and sent is and draw their own conclu-
for practical decisions, boldness to the country’s national refer- sions - without having to wait or
to relook some foreign friend- ral laboratory to test for corona subject their thinking brains to
ships, boldness to relook our in- virus which, according to Magu- what someone or any organiza-
ternal policies, boldness to take fuli, came back positive for Co- tion says from the US or from
a stand for a united Afrika, it is vid-19. He didn’t waste time but wherever else they are talking?
now. swiftly called for investigations Should Afrika not be able to say heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 63