Page 60 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 60


                                                                                controlled. We can never mas-
                                                                                ter the complex functioning of
                                                                                atoms, protons, eons, bacteria,
                                                                                pathogens, viruses and electric-
                                                                                ity. With the help of technology,
                                                                                we have abused the earth and
                                                                                populated it with over six billion
                                                                                greedy individuals -you and me.
          to the days of the beginning of    normal. I was asked to empha-
          life here in Afrika. It is both an-  sise the fact that human beings
                                                                                What needs to be managed is
          cient and modern and it is use-    have damaged the earth almost
                                                                                not the earth, but human de-
          ful for learning life and living.  irredeemably, and we should do
                                                                                sires, economics, politics and
                                             what we can to ‘save’ mother
          Healing Afrika                     earth, to heal and make her        The word humility is derived
          Afrika is definitely sick and in   whole again. As I reflected on     from the Latin humus, which
          need of healing. But her sick-     my topic, it dawned on me that     means earth, ground, earthli-
          ness is not that of the lab-creat-  human beings have yet to learn    ness, humanness. To be human
          ed diseases that are dumped in     the lessons of history due to our   is to be humble, and see our-
          our land, but the disease of the   sheer arrogance.
                                                                                selves as part of, not the centre
          mind and the pride of our hearts                                      of, creation. To be human is to
          which are stopping us from         In the first place, what gave us   be healed by the healing earth.
          knowing and understanding that     the audacity to think that we      This is our challenge in the 21st
          to disconnect from the natural     can heal the earth? If the earth   century."
          laws of existence, which God       needs healing, who is the doc-
          gave to Afrika in abundance, is    tor? Looking at the natural order   Is my dream possible?
          to disconnect from life itself. Af-  of things, who is really in need
          rika must be healed from these     of healing, the earth or human-    Yes and a bigger yes. It is
                                                                                possible. I don’t know how to
          mind diseases and be restored      ity? The earth is not in need of   sell this dream to you to help
          back to her place as life giver.   healing. It is humanity who is     you take a stand for something
          However, to heal Afrika we must    sick and needs healing. And we
          also remember that is not ac-      have no other healer than moth-    that will certainly benefit Afrika,
          tually Afrika the land mass that   er earth. Was our estrangement     but like every dreamer, I believe
                                                                                that I and my immediate fami-
          we want to heal but the minds      from the earth not the cause       ly are willing and ready to live
          of the people called Afrika. To    of our sickness? Rather than       out this dream, until someone
          give light to this reality, see    seeking to ‘heal the earth’, we
          what Anselm Adodo wrote on         should rather learn to live in     somewhere connects to it and
          his Facebook post about heal-      harmony with THE HEALING           gives it further wings to fly. But
                                                                                I will also use this medium to
          ing the earth:                     EARTH.
                                                                                make an appeal to all Afrikans.
          "Not long ago, I got an invitation                                    Stop fighting the white man or
          to deliver a lecture at a pro-     The mess in which inhumanity
          posed workshop titled ‘HEAL-       finds itself today was caused      the sons of those who created a
          ING THE EARTH’. The idea of        by a wrong understanding of        divided Afrika through colonial-
                                                                                ism, neo-colonialism, and the
          the workshop came from the         knowledge and its role in hu-      many other exploitations going
          fact that human beings have        man development. According to      on. The fight has not worked
          selfishly and greedily exploited   David Orr, we were led astray
          the earth’s resources in such      by the myth that with enough       for sixty or so years, because
          a way that human existence is      knowledge and technology           we keep fighting what we do
                                                                                not understand, using hate and
          in jeopardy. Already, hundreds     (computers, digital machines,      trying to pay evil back for evil. It
          of thousands of plants and         satellites, buttons, etc), we can   has not worked and it will never
          animals are said to be extinct,    rule the earth and control it.
          while the ozone layer has been     But the complexity of the earth    work. I remember a Chinese
          severely affected, and the earth   and its life systems can never     war proverb which says "he
                                                                                who must win in a war must first
          has become warmer than is          be completely mastered and
                                                                                master peace". Why is that? In

          60        |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                          HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY
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