Page 59 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 59
pleasure, while making use of by going back completely to
the commercial provision of Aspects of Life Tourism organic farming.
services. This definition of tour-
ism takes into focus the pursuit Indigenous Afrikan Afrikan music and art
of recreation, relaxation and Medicine Afrikan art, which includes
pleasure for which many flock I have said this before in other music, is not just a show of
to Afrika. These are supposed publications, but I am saying skills and talents; it’s more
to be good things, right? But it again that a time is coming spiritual than just arts. Afrikan
have you ever noticed that it when the world will have de- art is highly therapeutic and it’s
doesn’t matter how much you stroyed their own health system health enhancing. We just need
chase after recreation, relax- with chemical poison in drugs to turn away from the capitalist
ation and pleasure, you never and the only place where true tendencies we have borrowed
find them. On your vacation health will still be thriving will from the west that try to make
to anywhere in the world, no be in Afrika. And mind you, I do money the reason for art,
matter how magical it sounded not say this to undermine any instead of a medium for shar-
in adverts and social media, nation outside of Afrika; I say ing life and expression of good
you never recreate, you never it because it is the reality and lifestyle.
relax and you never fill your the truth that must manifest
cup of pleasure. They just don’t shortly. But we have to prepare Afrikan family life
exist in the type of tourism we and work for it to make it so. The Afrikan family system is still
have created. It's quite simple. Covid-19 has shown us a bit of one that that be trusted glob-
But have you also noticed that what I am saying. ally to raise good-hearted and
sometimes a tourist goes to an God-fearing kids. The society
Afrikan village, in which he or Organic farming is in a huge mess because the
she planned to stay for may- The world has somehow con- family system is in a mess.
be a weekend or some days, vinced itself that GMO foods It is common to find an Afri-
but ended up living there for are good for business, well for kan family living in the US, or
years? Some even get married capitalists, but what they didn’t somewhere in Europe, sending
and just live on like natives. tell themselves is that it is the their young adult kids to Afrika.
What do you think happened? same GMO foods, which have They don’t just send them here
Life caught up with the person no life force in them, that are for holidays or for them to come
and everything they have been causing the magnitude in the visit their home, most of them
chasing as pleasure, recre- increase of cancer and weak say they can't allow their kids
ation, fun, relaxation and the immune systems in the masses. grow up in the morally weak for-
other pseudo-lifestyle of the The result of Covid-19 is show- eign lands. So they send them
social media just instantly lost ing where the problem lies. The home to come learn the Afrikan
meaning to them. Am I saying world still cannot understand culture, which is steeped in
that great Afrikan tourism is the how Afrika, who has been honor for parents, respect for
one in which visitors come and undermined and with her sup- elders, mindfulness, brotherli-
won’t go back home? Not at all. posed weak health system, has ness, loyalty to family and all
I am saying we need to begin survived this pandemic, while that stuff that only Afrikans can
to rebuild all our sectors includ- Europe and America were hit express. It’s a good thing for
ing tourism to be life-giving, very hard. It is not so good that young Afrikans living outside
life-changing and eye-opening we had some who succumbed the continent to be immersed
platforms for those who think to death due to this virus, it in, but with Life Tourism, young
Afrika is just the madness they wasn’t supposed to be, and non-Afrikans can also be sent
see on TV or on the internet. would likely not have been if not to the continent to learn.
that Afrikans themselves have
We have a good God-given over the last several years been Afrikan wisdom system
purpose and until we align with compromising their immune The wisdom of the Afrikan
that purpose, we will keep beg- systems by wrong diet. We can fore-fathers is second to none.
ging for aid even in the midst of mitigate such future occurrence It is wisdom that goes way back
plenty. heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 59