Page 57 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 57
wonder what it felt like to
I little children will one day live thriving on the backs of the pov-
in a nation where they will not
erty, the shame, the exploita-
those who were standing,
listening to Martin Luther
be judged by the color of their
tion, the pain, the degradation,
King, when he spoke back
skin but by the content of their
the defamation of Afrika and her
in 1963, the words of one
that pockets of Afrikans here
of the most popular speeches character. people, it gives peace to know
in history. These words, like a I have a dream today. and there are beginning to rise
flock of birds with golden wings, to the occasion for the lifting up
actually flew from 1963 when I have a dream that one day, of the face of Afrika once again.
he spoke them and landed in down in Alabama, with its vi-
our days and we could actual- cious racists, with its governor I also have a dream
ly see the realization of those having his lips dripping with Many times I have asked
words? Words which were the words of interposition and myself questions about Afrika.
not just words of a speech, nullification; one day right there Questions like: what do we as
but prophecies spoken out in Alabama, little black boys Afrikans really have to offer
of immense love for a people and black girls will be able to the world, outside of wildlife
who will one day be the lead- join hands with little white boys tourism? Why is Afrika the way
ing lights of the entire world. and white girls as sisters and it is even with her enormous
For with a passion so deep in brothers. amounts of wealth and re-
a belief that is set on a future sources? I sincerely ask these
that was so real to him and the I have a dream today. questions, not because I am
One who gave him the words of not aware of the many years of
prophecies, Martin Luther King I have a dream that one day exploitation of Afrikan wealth by
said: every valley shall be exalted, foreign powers especially and
every hill and mountain shall be also by corrupt local systems
"I say to you today, my friends, made low, the rough places will nor is it that I am unaware that
so even though we face the be made plain, and the crooked what Afrika has is more than
difficulties of today and tomor- places will be made straight, wildlife tourism. I ask because,
row, I still have a dream. It is and the glory of the Lord shall most times it's difficult to see
a dream deeply rooted in the be revealed, and all flesh shall beyond the pain and the ail-
American dream. see it together..." ments in Afrika, and how the
world seems to enjoy negatively
I have a dream that one day And even though the coming smearing our beautiful conti-
this nation will rise up and live to pass of his dream is still nent, while our own people give
out the true meaning of its unfolding, and even though strength to the narratives of her
creed: “We hold these truths to the equality he spoke of is still weakness. I also ask because
be self-evident: that all men are wrapped up in some form of I know that where there is a
created equal.” shadows - for racism clearly is question, there is definitely
still alive - and even though the also an answer. So I say to
I have a dream that one day on sons of former slaves whether anyone who cares to listen and
the red hills of Georgia the sons in America or elsewhere still to everyone who is passionate
of former slaves and the sons of have their eyes closed behind enough about a new Afrikan
former slave owners will be able some veils to the truth that they narrative, that even though we
to sit down together at the table are the liberators of men and face the difficulties of today and
of brotherhood. not beggars, and even though tomorrow, that even though we
the system of this world is still still face the degradation of our
I have a dream that one day
even the state of Mississippi, a
state sweltering with the heat
of injustice, sweltering with
the heat of oppression, will be
transformed into an oasis of
freedom and justice.
I have a dream that my four heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 57