Page 53 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 53
Floyd’s murder is that in spite anti-war and the Me-Too cam- sive Pan-African movements,
of its complex and impressive paigns have all been predicated activists, and governments, to
diversity, America remains a on the tactics of the struggles of raise the costs of denigration
seductively wobbly democrat- African-Americans. that continue to destroy the
ic experiment. Kenyan legal The fact that the police force lives and livelihoods of African
scholar Makau Mutua, rightly in the US remains the most people all around the world,
reasons, that this is simply ruthless in the world should also whether on the continent or
because democracy in America come as no surprise to anyone in the Diaspora. The struggle
still sits on the stilts and fictions who scratches the surface of against racism must be waged
of liberalism, which are based America’s black history. This is in Europe, the old imperial and
on pretentious beliefs and because the origins of policing colonial architects of the mod-
inflexible fictions of equality, in the US go back to the ruth- ern oppressive world capitalist
autonomy and freedom. less slave patrols of plantations system; in the Americas that
Freedom of an individual, es- in America. Today’s racial pro- sanctified racial capitalism; in
pecially in a democratic space, filing and killing of African Amer- China, the aspiring superpow-
ought to proceed from the icans by the police and white er of the 21st century, with its
premise of equality. In America, vigilantes in a way lives up to own superiority complexes and
as I’ve demonstrated else- the beastly reputation of Ameri- anti-African racism recently on
where, long after the enactment can law enforcement agencies, display during the coronavirus
of its founding constitution, it is society, and everyday life. pandemic in which Africans
still common to hear of “all men were targeted; and in the coun-
are created equal, that they are We Can’t Breathe! tries of the global South that
endowed by their Creator with Needless to say, as a commu- seek to perpetuate, in the 21st
certain unalienable Rights that nity we must continue to resist century, the hierarchies and
among these are Life, Liberty, this barbaric and dehumanizing mythologies of what Dr. Dubois,
and the pursuit of Happiness”. state-sponsored police culture. a noted black American scholar
Today, right across the world, With such a suffocating histori- once identified as ‘the problem
constitutional articles in almost cal background of unfreedoms of the color line’.
all ‘functioning democratic’ that led Floyd to simply cry out
countries embed the words his last “I Can’t Breathe” to his Across the Atlantic, British
‘equal’ and ‘equality’, heavily strangler, what does it all mean cultural theorist Paul Gilroy
drawn from the American docu- for a black person to be free? has articulated that the current
ment as well as, more recently, As a community, how can we combined climate of amne-
the United Nations sponsored become freer? Is freedom a sia, ignorance, denial, guilt,
Universal Declaration of Human token that is granted for good- and shame, provide a unique
Rights, which makes strong ref- ness? These questions involve political field through which the
erences to individual liberties. fundamental ethical assump- black community can move
The irony here is that not only tions and concerns. Like many and organize. In his earlier-
was America as a country built who’ve addressed such issues work ‘Postcolonial Melancholia’
by enslaved Africans, but that in the past, I think the use (2005), Gilroy developed the
it should not be lost on anyone of virtues such as courage idea of melancholia, which
that above all, the so called and forbearance presented demonstrated how certain
democracy enjoyed by many as positive elements of black motifs in Sigmund Freud’s work
Americans, was also built on conscious in the “Black Lives were taken up by later German
black American effort. For Matter’ campaigns are a good thinkers, particularly by social
instance, the Civil War was start in explaining what freedom psychologists that were useful
fought over the enslavement of means, because they reflect a in the period of de-Nazification.
blacks. The civil rights move- common notion that freedom Gilroy explained that Europe-
ment made significant strides requires moral integrity. an nations have been in many
towards eradicating racial Amidst the present unity ways unable to get past their
segregation, exclusion and dis- against racial and other forms loss of global pre-eminence and
crimination. Other movements of oppression, this is also a that this inability to get past that
for freedom – women’s rights, momentous time for progres- loss has generated pathological heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 53