Page 51 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 51
know it or not and that creates
a culture. We cannot deceive
ourselves that this is something
anyone can get away with,
because one way or another it
always catches up to you.
As individuals, we have to –
regardless of what we see
– deliberately and thoughtful-
ly choose the things that will
make up our culture and make
up who we are and choose
next government may take the first of all has already lost favor things that will cause life and
glory for the foundations that with the people and secondly beauty to flow one to another,
they laid, but desiring to leave creates a culture of bullying and because we have to be aware
a solid and beautiful founda- intimidation that will trickle down that regardless of which culture
tion for the next person to build to the entire society and that has taken the seat of power
upon. A mindful new govern- will take a courageous one or in the company we work for
ment is keen to build on the few or many to overcome out of or the country we live in, we
previous foundations, if they fear of loss of livelihood, liberty are ultimately responsible for
were good ones, rather than or life. influencing the mindset and
feeling undermined by what There are some countries culture of the next generation.
came before them. A mindful where politicians teach their We must remember that we are
government builds with consid- citizens the worst of manners. responsible ourselves for what
eration for the generations that Through their choices and ac- we choose to live out, whether
will come which will find the fruit tions, they frequently teach peo- we are in the most evil of places
of what they have set in place ple dishonor instead of honor, or the loveliest. Whenever and
and they keeps in mind that the cowardice instead of boldness, wherever the opportunity pres-
quality of what they produce how to lie and to be unfaithful ents itself, we must caution and
reflects upon them not only as to their word, how to be disloyal guide those who we have given
a government but as the indi- and how to be self-preserving, positions of authority to remem-
viduals who form that govern- how to be selfish and how to ber that, above all else, they are
ment. They are cognizant that sell out your people to those answerable not even to us, but
stealing from the public coffers who want to destroy them. They to the Highest of all authorities
reflects upon them badly. They teach people how not to keep and to urge them to keep that
are aware that the choices that promises and how to steal, how in mind in all that they do. If for
they make form the seeds of to be selfish and how to manip- nothing else, then for the saving
the culture that is around them ulate others so that they can get of theirs and our souls as the
in the country. They are aware their own advantage. They also minimum.
that they cannot go home teach people how to corrupt These few things can help steer
and sleep in peace, knowing and influence others or situa- us away from danger, such that
that they were responsible for tions as negatively as possible. even in these perilous times,
destroying lives and harming They even teach people how to we can perhaps find hope that,
generations. They are aware use force and even witchcraft though there is wickedness,
that their actions are closely to get their way, how to kill and there are those who are deter-
watched and mimicked by the worst of all, they teach people mined that – because they live
private sector and by individuals to think that they can get away – it shall not prevail and they
alike, creating either a suffocat- with doing whatever they want have made it their life’s purpose
ing culture or one filled with life, to do, for however long. This is, to ensure that as far as it is pos-
depending on the choices that sadly, what many people who sible with them, righteousness
they are making. It really is that are elected to public office mod- will stand. We are our brothers’
simple. A government that uses el by their words, their choices keepers.
threats and force to get its way and their actions, whether they heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 51