Page 47 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 47
the world, because they have to causing them all out misery, all real and what isn’t and help you
change if things are ever going the while portraying the image build a future for the community,
to get better. of a ‘successful’ brand in the country or world that you’re in.
eyes of their ‘peers’ and the Below are some practical ideas
We are not thriving current- world. You see what I mean, which, while not being the
ly as a people in Afrika and the lives of many are as fake as entirety of the matter, could
in the world. No, we are just steel toes mixed with mud, but certainly get the ball rolling in
existing and barely making it people persist in them instead helping to restore our human-
from moment to moment and of stopping to take stock. But ity and identity as people and
from day to day, in a series of their governments are equally brothers:
mindless routines that maintain guilty and they’re not stopping
momentum but only succeed in their charades, so the people Overcome Greed and
painting a thin veneer of pre- follow suit. Let me tell you, this Complacency
tense over the reality of failed is dumb as a frog in a hot pot of Years ago a former colleague of
lives and failed societies. Not water. We must strip ourselves mine told me about a company
simply because of a lack of of the vanities of living that we that was blatantly exploiting
money and not because of the have decided are cool just be- their customers through the
Covid economic shut-down, no, cause we saw them in some su- charges that they were levying
even the people who have mon- per-fake movie from Hollywood on certain products. It cost them
ey are barely making it. They and get back to the basics. next to nothing to provide these
are stressed out and unhappy For your physical body, you products but they said to them-
people because they have need air, water, food, clothing, selves, “Well, we can get away
figured out that money may buy shoes (sometimes) and safe with it, so why not?” They still
them some stuff, but the satis- shelter so you don’t get ex- do so to date. Needless to say,
faction they are seeking in life posed to the elements. You do this company is quick to run
isn’t found on any supermarket not need billions in the bank, to the media to proclaim their
shelf or in a car showroom. four cars, one house on every greatness when their periodic
They have figured out that their continent and a shoe collection results are announced. No one
money will not fulfill them as like Imelda Marcos’. Those are cares to look below the surface
people nor turn their children vanities. For your soul you need to see how they made their
into geniuses, or make their a heart of compassion and love, money, and literally everyone
homes genuinely joyous, no one that is forgiving. You need I know continues to use their
matter how many times they go to consider others’ needs and products all the while complain-
to KFC or how many toys they their state and sometimes you ing about the poor quality and
buy or how much they earn or need to sacrifice your own com- high cost. Not that there aren’t
‘misappropriate’ (i.e. steal) in fort so that someone else can other halfway decent suppli-
order to do what they think will get the basics of life or even ers in the market, it’s just that
make them satisfied in life. In something that you wanted for it’s deemed more ‘convenient’
fact the lock down has forced yourself. Those are necessities. to use these exploiters and
them to come face to face with You don’t need the approval of so they are sustained by their
the fact that the lives they are others, or to be invited to con- greed and their customers’
leading are superficial at best, ferences where they call you complacency. The company is
and phony at worst. the top x under x or y over y, or unrelenting in its application of
I recently read an article from the richest whatever in what- its charges and continues to
2019 that talked about the ever. In short, you need to stop apply them, despite knowing
Afrikan CEO of a well-known being selfish and self-centered that if it lowered costs, custom-
and respected growing Afrikan and become a genuine real per- ers from lower income groups
company. The author of the son who returns to the basics would actually have an easier
article talked about this CEO – of love instead of lordship over time of it and be able to gen-
who is quite celebrated in the others. This is what will save uinely do more, both on the
media and corporate circles – your life in the days ahead and company’s platform and with
as being mean to their employ- beyond that. This is what will the money saved from reduced
ees, withholding their pay and help you see and know what is charges. heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 47