Page 45 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 45


          geria, for example, is so exam-    es of one’s actions; wisdom;       is the most colonized aspect of
          ination-oriented. Even infants in   and ‘know-why’. Our students      African life.
          kindergarten are expected to sit   graduate from universities with
          and ‘pass’ exams.                  a distorted view of reality, of    Each year we churn out grad-
                                             nature and the cosmos. Some        uates who lack knowledge of
          The goal of education should       of these students score highly     their history, have no apprecia-
          not be just mastery of subject     in their examinations and are      tion for their tradition, and who
          matter, but the mastery of one’s   then regarded as ‘experts’.        see reality through the prism of
          person. The goal of education      They are brilliant and intelligent.   western reality. The decoloniza-
          should not be to stuff facts,      They have the technical know-      tion of our university curricula
          techniques, methods and infor-     how, but they cannot ask the       and literature is, for me,  the
          mation into students’ minds, but   more profound questions of life.   most urgent reform of educa-
          rather to teach them how to use    University education provides      tion that is needed in Nigeria
          ideas and knowledge to devel-      students with answers – without    and Africa. I look forward to the
          op their personhood. Today,        them even knowing what the         days when strikes by university
          rather than seeing education       questions are.                     lecturers will not just be about
          as a means of personal devel-      It is worth noting that the people   money and finance (form), but
          opment, most students see it       whose work and ideas have led      also about morality (process)
          as a step towards a career, as     to the destruction of the eco-     and the quality of the curricula
          something that will launch them    system, disturbance of climate     (content).
          into a so-called ‘successful’ life.   stability and depreciation of   It is not enough to engage in
          Proper education should help       biological diversity are not       education. The structure of
          students to find a decent calling   ignorant. Indeed, most of these   the education itself must be
          or vocation, not just a career.    people have letters after their    examined and challenged. It is
          A career is a job, a way to earn   names. For humanity to survive,    not enough to study scientific
          one’s daily bread. A calling is    we must give up the misleading     truths; how science arrived at
          about life, personhood, values,    conception that western cul-       such ‘truths’ has to be ques-
          and one’s vocation and gift to     ture represents the pinnacle of    tioned. Science does not exist
          the world. It comes out of one’s   human achievement.                 independently of its cultural
          inner convictions. A career can    University education has three     context, despite its pretense
          always be found in a calling, but   aspects: form, process and        to undiluted objectivity. While
          it rarely happens the other way    content. Form – which is the       education can bring liberation, it
          around.                            focus of almost all discussions    can also be a means of keeping
                                             about university education in      people in bondage.
          For centuries, human beings        Nigeria, for instance – refers
          lived under the illusion that with   to a university’s physical struc-  Moreover, lest we forget,
          enough knowledge and tech-         tures, bureaucratic systems,       education is no guarantee of
          nology, we could manage and        salary and finance systems and     decency, prudence or wisdom.
          control the Earth. As new fac-     organogram. Process refers         Learning in itself will not make
          tories and industries produced     to the relationships between       us better people. The worth of
          more computers, electronics        vice-chancellors and lecturers,    education must be measured
          and machines, we thought we        between students and lecturers,    against the standards of de-
          had succeeded in mastering our     and between the university and     cency and human survival. It is,
          planet. We thought that a rapid    the host community as well as      therefore, wrong to think that
          increase in data, words, paper     the society at large. The third    education in itself will save hu-
          and technical details was equiv-   aspect is content, which re-       manity. Our survival in the next
          alent to an increase in knowl-     fers to the curriculum and the     century depends on education,
          edge and wisdom. The truth,        literature used in teaching. A     but not education as we have
          however, is that as we grew in     look at the content of Nigeria’s   conceived it for over 60 years.
          technical knowledge – in ‘know-    university curricula indicates     We need a new kind of educa-
          how’ – we lost other kinds of      that colonialism is still very     tion.
          knowledge: intelligence, which     much alive and active, and true
          is characterized by an ability     independence is still far off. In
          to foresee the consequenc-         my view, University education

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