Page 44 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 44
Thinking Outside of The Box
Anselm Adodo
ave you heard our are readily acquiring information of a library is lost. Today, we
young men dis- about other lands, while rapidly speak of protecting the environ-
cussing football losing knowledge of their land, ment and our rare species of
recently? They their environment, their cul- plants and animals. However,
Hknow all the latest ture and their people. This is a equally important is the need for
news on the English Premier problem because no nation can national and international efforts
League. They can tell you genuinely develop until it has to protect and preserve indige-
when Manchester United is a deposit of local knowledge nous knowledge.
playing Chelsea and can even which it preserves and nurtures.
predict who wins and by how Real and lasting development is At the national level, our coun-
many goals. Thanks to cable, not imported from other coun- try’s education system has a
internet and satellite TV, our tries – it is home-grown. The vital role to play in ensuring
young people also know how art of development is the abil- that indigenous knowledge is
many soldiers are killed in war ity to convert and exploit local shared, preserved and used
zones daily, how many suicide knowledge to create relevant, for our country’s development.
bombings take place and how sustainable and affordable However, today, education
many people are kidnapped technology. The best solutions in many parts of Africa is too
by militants. They know which to a nation’s problems are those preoccupied with other interests
countries have the most relaxed who come from within. Howev- and goals. Most students in Afri-
immigration rules. However, ask er, because this is not recog- ca are brainwashed to think that
them about the health benefits nized, indigenous knowledge is the reason they go to school
of banana, or how bush burning not adequately valued – and is is to acquire paper certificates
affects soil productivity, or what being lost at an alarming rate. in order to get a career. Our
a balanced diet is, and you will In many indigenous societies, society prides acquisition of de-
be surprised at their level of when a knowledge-bearer dies, grees over holistic and integral
ignorance. his knowledge dies with him. personal development. What
With every older adult who dies misconception! It is no wonder
Young Nigerians and Africans in our villages, the equivalent that our education system in Ni-
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