Page 49 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 49


          until they are frustrated again.   like it or not, because of their   situation and the man in charge
          Something needs to be done to      perceived high status. Meaning     of the water section not only
          shift the behavior. This ‘some-    that no matter what cost saving    sold us the quantity we needed,
          thing’ is not limited to the ballot   measures these families try to   but he topped it up a little and
          and it can include the courts      put in place, they will continue   then gave us a little money so
          of law, under which even the       to be hit with the same fees       that we could bridge the gap
          withholding of said funds may      over and over and over again.      between what we had and what
          be possible until the employ-      The irony of the culture we have   it cost. We didn’t beg, we didn’t
          ees change their behavior and      created is that one can live in    cry or have to humiliate our-
          learn some manners. We are         such a neighborhood and actu-      selves like some people seem
          responsible for the society we     ally have little or no money, so   to want others to do before they
          are building. Supporting certain   while their classification should   offer their help, we didn’t have
          types of behavior makes one        really be for a different income   to justify the value our existence
          complicit in the injustice. Again,   group, because their home is     on the planet. We simply ex-
          if only for the sake of one’s      situated in the ‘rich’ area, they   plained our situation and tried
          immortal soul, one must speak      pay ‘rich man’s’ prices. The ser-  to find a workaround and we got
          and act.                           vice provider doesn’t care and     our water because someone
                                             any appeal to make changes is      saw us as people, like himself.
          Create a Culture of Care           met by a lot of promises to act,   Not only that, he didn’t despise
          There’s a company I have had       but since company policy has       our purchase at all. He treated
          the displeasure of having deal-    already been set, the neighbor-    us like we were every other
          ing with that provides a service   hood must pay, so it’s residents   customer paying the full rate,
          that has become something of       must pay.                          taking the time to heat seal our
          a necessity. It’s a monopoly, so   Contrast this with someone         bottle with such care that he left
          no one can really get away from    who was selling water to my        us almost speechless. We were
          it, unless they are able to make   husband and I recently. The        blown away by the fact that he
          a hefty cash investment in the     house we live in has water that    just… cared. Yes, in 2020.
          equipment required to escape       is not potable, so we purchase     To lack compassion in any-
          their clutches or do without their   water for drinking and cooking,   thing you do from lawmaking
          services altogether. The compa-    yes, in 2020. This is something    to stitching a shoe robs society
          ny doesn’t care, it never loses.   common in many neighbor-           of much needed life, because
          If you don’t pay, then you don’t   hoods across the country, yet      all you will do is pursue your
          get the service and in order to    despite that, bottled water was    own goals, be it to make more
          get the service, you have to       recently classified as a luxury    money or gain status or what-
          pay. When you call to report       item and subjected to addition-    ever, all at the detriment of the
          a service outage you are met       al levies. Anyway, we recently     customer, or your citizens and
          with responses such as, “You       found a lovely spot where the      your society as a whole. This
          just have to wait.” The support    water cost half of what we used    allows you to ‘get ahead’, while
          staff even gets belligerent if you   to pay, but on a particular day   stepping on the heads of your
          try to press the issue to explain   when we went for a top up,        brothers, but your stench is
          to them that there has been a      having carefully factored in the   foul. What manner of culture is
          trend in service failure that you   cost into our budget, we were     that? Heartless and hard and
          want addressed for the long        told that some new regulation      mean spirited and it engenders
          run. Service quality is not a pri-  by the taxman prevented them      so much ill will and stress that it
          ority to them, except when it will   from selling to us as long as    sickens the heart of the society.
          cost the country investor dollars   we had bottles that belonged      I have read that in America, for
          (i.e. they were threatened by      to another company. (So much       instance that law makers are
          someone they deem worthy of        for recycling initiatives) Anyway,   considering putting in place
          responding to.)                    we needed water and went to a      provisions to allow the govern-
          I’m told that this company         supermarket that was close by,     ment to take temporary custody
          charges on the basis of neigh-     whose prices are much higher       of people’s children so as to
          borhood. Some neighborhoods        and as a result we were a little   vaccinate them and then return
          pay more for their services,       short of cash. We explained the    them to their parents to deal

                                         heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    49
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