Page 38 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 38


                                                                                my finger back at this demon
                                                                                and demanded, “Who is the
                                                                                source behind your power and
                                                                                It began to laugh hysterically,
                                                                                a sound that still taunts me
                                                                                and with great rage this demon
                                                                                answered and roared, “The
                                                                                I fixed my gaze upon it and
                                                                                said, “You devil that has come
                                                                                to deceive the whole world
          ically, in business, in religion,   engaged in this type of spiri-    through the media and is being
          within families, you see this      tual warfare while asleep and      exposed right now, I command
          trend of one person wanting to     dreaming prophetically, but        you in the name of Jesus Christ
          get all that is meant for every-   rarely if ever to this degree      to reveal your agenda!”
          one. Meaning that Afrika does      while awake.                       With a sneer it began to man-
          not lack resources nor does                                           ifest a foul spirit and the first
          she lack the ability to use those   This demonic entity had a visi-   wave I smelled was FEAR. I
          resources, she just has too        ble and deep scar underneath       saw the Corona-virus spread-
          many greedy minds fighting and     its right eye, but it also had     ing across the whole world and
          collecting for themselves what     the ability to mutate or rather    the spirit of fear attached to it.
          belongs to everyone. And like      change forms. I watched this       The second wave of stench the
          some pathetic politicians, when    “being” morph several times        demon manifested was HATE
          they can’t have what they want,    right in front of me, yet the gash   and I saw the cities on fire and
          they burn down everything or       below its right eye remained.      racism escalating. The third
          cause chaos and instability.       It pointed its finger right in my   wave that came was GREED
                                             face and said, “I exist to de-     and it was the strongest of all
          As I write this article, my wife   ceive the whole world. Just as     the smells.
          sent me a prophetic message        there are forerunners in the
          from Jeremiah Johnson, a           kingdom of God that go be-         In that moment of time, by way
          prophet in the US. I will share    fore the Son of Man, so I am a     of Holy Spirit revelation, I un-
          below what he said about the       forerunning spirit in the kingdom   derstood that what we are wit-
          events going on in the world       of darkness that has been sent     nessing in 2020, beyond a virus
          right now and how it is connect-   before the coming of the man of    and beyond racism and police
          ed to the spirit of greed.  He     lawlessness.”                      brutality is a diabolical and sin-
          titled the message:                It continued, “The scar under-     ister agenda called “greed”. A
                                             neath my right eye has come        wave of fear has hit through the
          AN URGENT PROPHETIC                at the hands of the praying        virus and now a wave of anger
          ALERT AND WARNING.                 Church, for many of them in this   through the riots, but the real
                                             hour have begun to detect our      culprit is greed!
          Released on June 1, 2020           true plans and purposes to dis-
                                             rupt systems, divert attention,    In other words, the world is
          On the night of May 30th,          and release chaos in the land.”    being held hostage right now by
          while praying and pacing over                                         demonic forces preparing the
          the United States in my home       At this point in the encounter,    way for the man of lawlessness.
          around 2 am, a demonic entity      the hair on my body was stand-     There is so much deception
          appeared right before me in        ing straight up as I had never     being spread through the media
          an open vision. This type of       been told anything like this at    that now we must understand
          encounter has only ever hap-       length by a demonic entity.        what we are “seeing” and “hear-
          pened one other time while I       Suddenly, all I can describe is    ing” on the news and social
          was ministering in a foreign       the authority and mind of Christ   media is a simple diversion
          country in 2015. I have always     came upon me and I pointed         from the real truth!

          38        |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                          HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY
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