Page 37 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 37


          onds and was ready to continue     sire for more than is decent or    Our culture’s emphasis on
          on to his destination. Two of the   deserved, not for the greater     greed is such that people have
          boys left to continue their play   good but for one’s own selfish     become immune to satisfaction.
          but one remained with the man.     interest, and at the detriment     Having acquired one thing, they
          As the man was about to leave,     of others and society at large.    immediately set their sights on
          he gave the little boy some        Greed can be for anything, but     the next thing that suggests
          money, I guess two Naira notes     is most commonly for food,         itself. Today, the object of desire
          but I can’t remember exactly       money, possessions, power,         is no longer satisfaction but
          what the denominations were.       fame, status, attention, admira-   desire itself. Greed is also asso-
          He told the little boy to share    tion, and sex.                     ciated with negative psycho-
          the money with his friends and                                        logical states, such as stress,
          left. I watched in surprise as this   The origins of greed            exhaustion, anxiety, depression,
          young four year old boy quickly    Greed often arises from early      and despair, and with maladap-
          took one of the notes and hid it   negative experiences, such as      tive behaviors such as gam-
          in his pocket. He then present-    parental absence, inconsis-        bling, scavenging, hoarding,
          ed just one of the notes to his    tency, or neglect. In later life,   trickery, and theft. By overriding
          friends as the money that was      feelings of anxiety and vulner-    reason, compassion, and love,
          given. Obviously the plan was      ability, often combined with low   greed loosens family and com-
          that he would share in the one     self-esteem, lead the person       munity ties and undermines the
          he presented, while keeping        to fixate on a substitute for the   bonds and values upon which
          the one in his pocket to himself.   love and security that he or she   society is built.
          They all happily ran to a nearby   so sorely lacked. The pursuit      (copied from psychology today
          shop for some sweets and kid's     of this substitute distracts from   website)
          stuff. I sat and considered what   negative feelings, and its accu-
          had just happened and it was       mulation provides much needed      Deeper than greed
          just beyond my understanding.      comfort and reassurance.           There isn’t just one way of
                                                                                knowing what drives greed and
          Till today I still wonder why I    If greed is much more devel-       the acts that follow such ten-
          did not correct that child, and    oped in human beings than in       dencies, but one thing for me
          yet this was about twenty or       other animals, this is partly be-  always stands out, that is, mind-
          so years ago. I guess what         cause human beings have the        lessness. To be mindless is not
          happened was that I was much       capacity to project themselves     to pay attention to the needs of
          more surprised that he could do    far into the future, to the time of   others or not to give others their
          such a thing at that age than I    their death and even beyond.       fair share of whatever it is that
          was surprised that he did it at    The prospect of our eventual       they are worthy of. It is quite as
          all.  After all these years, that   demise gives rise to anxiety      simple as that. I can categori-
          drama never left my mind.          about our purpose, value, and      cally tell you that Afrika is the
          I can't tell you that I understood   meaning.                         way it is right now in all spheres
          the entire thing that transpired                                      of its society, because of greed
          with those kids as at that time,   In a bid to contain this existen-  among Afrikans themselves.
          but now I know better that if      tial anxiety, our culture provides   However, greed is not the
          there are things we can point to   us with ready-made narratives      problem, it is a symptom. The
          that are some of the problems      of life and death. Whenever        root cause of greed is thinking
          with Afrika, they are greed, self-  existential anxiety threatens     of ourselves in isolation from
          ishness and the many negative      to surface into our conscious      others or as members of elite
          cousins they carry along with      mind, we naturally turn to         peer groups that define what
          themselves. But the question is    culture for comfort and consola-   we should want. We are mem-
          this, how on earth did that child   tion. Today, it is so happens that   bers of larger communities, with
          of that age think up something     our culture—or lack of it, for our   many kinds of people, on whom
          like that?                         culture is in a state of flux and   we depend and who depend on
                                             crisis—places a high value on      us. If we act with others in mind,
          The Psychology behind greed        materialism, and, by extension,    we should begin to see chang-
          Greed is the disordered de-        on greed.                          es in Afrika. Politically, econom-

                                         heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    37
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