Page 33 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 33


          human encroachment into            Phillips)                          qualities, which help plants to
          animal habitats, genetic modi-                                        fight diseases. When people
          fication of food, gas flaring etc   We can try to play down the       breathe these chemicals in, our
          reflect our massive dissociation   reality of the words of Father     bodies respond by increasing
          from our integral world.           Anselm Adodo all we like, but      the number and activity of a
                                             the truth will always remain that   type of white blood cell called
          The air is the element that        whatsoever we sowed and are        natural killer cells or NK. These
          keeps us alive, and without        still sowing in our air, we are    cells kill tumor and virus-infect-
          which, nothing happens. By         reaping and will continue to       ed cells in our bodies. Japa-
          denying that birds and ani-        reap.                              nese researchers are currently
          mals have their own form of        I remember going for a forest      exploring whether exposure to
          language, we cut ourselves off     walk sometime ago somewhere        forests can help prevent cer-
          from the deep meanings of our      in Nairobi. The place is a well-   tain kinds of cancer. The word,
          words, severing language from      known wellness center, which       which means "exterminated by
          that which supports it. We in-     uses the connection to nature      the plant", was coined in 1928
          habit a world where everyone is    as a remedy. The session start-    by Dr. Boris P. Tokin, a Rus-
          talking, and no one is listening.   ed with regular exercises for     sian biochemist from Lenin-
          Communication then becomes         the body, a short talk about the   grad University. He found that
          a shouting game rather than a      issues going on in our society     some plants give off very active
          listening interaction. No wonder   and then ended with main ses-      substances which prevent them
          we find it so hard to communi-     sion which was the forest walk.    from rotting or being eaten by
          cate even amongst ourselves!       Prior to that time, I had not      some insects and animals.
                                             heard of forest walking or forest
          Our health, our life, our future,   bathing, especially as it con-    Our forest therapy instructor
          depends on the quality of the      cerns natural healing. It hap-     went on to say that because
          air around us. The rich, the       pens that this particular forest   of the pollution that has been
          poor, the sick, the healthy, black   we went for the walk in was an   allowed in our cities, townships
          people, white people, we all       untouched forest with mainly in-   and the various machines and
          breathe the same air. There        digenous trees. As you step into   manufacturing activities, the
          is no separate air for different   that forest, you instantly feel the   brain of man is unconsciously
          categories of people. At the end   difference between the normal      protecting man by lowering how
          of the day, what we put into the   air you breathe everywhere         much air we take in, in such
          air will come back to us, either   else and the one you start to      polluted environments. That is,
          to purify us or poison us.         breathe in this forest. It was     the brain, in trying to protect
                                             so refreshing and therapeutic.     man from the poisonous effects
          It is the air that most directly   The forest therapy instructor      of polluted air, triggers the lungs
          envelops us. The air is the        shared a few pieces of informa-    to take in less air and by that
          element we are most directly in    tion about one of the healthy      the body lacks enough oxygen.
          touch with. Without air, none of   chemicals that forest trees and    And because the air we breathe
          us can survive more than a few     plants release into the environ-   is vital to our survival and the
          minutes. As we busy ourselves      ment called Phytoncides. Never     correct working of the body, a
          rushing to meet the next ap-       heard of that name before?         walk in the forest or a forest
          pointment and preparing to                                            bathing experience will help to
          attend the following meeting or    Phytoncides are substances         restore proper intake of oxygen.
          planning for a future wedding or   emitted by plants & trees and
          anniversary, we must not forget    the term generally means the       The horror that awaits us
          that we do all these because       aroma of the forest. "Phyton"      Can we afford to downplay
          the air is there. Without air, we   means "plant" in Latin, and       the horror that awaits us if we
          are nothing. Everything else is    "cide" means to exterminate.       continue to undermine the fact
          illusory.                          Phytoncides are produced           that we have not been respon-
                                             to help plants & trees pro-        sible for a cleaner and greener
          The air is the real deal.          tect themselves from harmful       environment? No we can't. We
                                             insects and germs. They have       have allowed capitalism and
          (Additional writing by Samuel      antibacterial and antifungal       the quest for quick money to

                                         heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    33
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