Page 28 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 28
a new expression being ban- of the world has been doing, for if the economic, financial and
died about; that our job is not to agricultural systems of the West and the East had been effective,
feed the multitude, but to pro- they would already have solved the planet’s biggest issues by
vide the loaves and fish…well now and achieved, at the very least, freedom from hunger.
I’m not so sure that’s accurate.
What ought Afrikans be doing now to ensure that
Say something about we as a people and as a continent truly realize Afri-
Msingi Afrika Magazine ka's great potential?
and how you feel about If Afrika is going to achieve her potential, then we must start
contributing articles to it/ looking for the solutions to the issues of the continent, on the
why you do it. continent. The recent Covid 19 solutions from Senegal and
Madagascar are great examples of how this can begin to play
Msingi Afrika Magazine is a
out. There is a lot of healing and restoration to be done, but most
platform of God that helps me
to play my role. On this first importantly a rebirth of the true spirit of God that will draw out the
real Sons of the continent to bring about the amazing power and
anniversary I must say that it’s
grace of God. In this then, the roles of the Sons will be restored
been a privilege and honor to
to full dominion and not only include providing the fish and
be one of the contributors and
loaves but also multiply them so that the whole continent may
congratulate the publishers and
team for a fantastic job done partake of the communion with God.
throughout the year. I always
You can follow Nicholas Munyororo on his facebook handle:
look forward to the amazing
articles with such insights as
you would find in no other mag-
azine about Afrika! In the years
to come I believe Msingi Afrika
Magazine will grow with the
continent and become the place
to look for the truth about the
continent of Afrika. Afrikans are
spiritual people and my aspira-
tions for us are that Afrika shall
become the place where the
world will look for solutions in
farming and technology finance,
happy 1st
and that these solutions shall happy
be spiritually discerned and
shall draw others to God as is Anniversary
her destiny.
What's your hope and MSINGI AFRIKA MAGAZINE
aspiration for Afrika for
the next ten years?
Did not the scripture say ‘out of
Afrika I will call My son’? How
then shall this come to pass,
if the aspirations of the people
who live here stop at providing
for their basic necessities? If
then this will come to pass,
Afrikans will need to look deep
into themselves and find a way
different from what the rest
28 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 29