Page 23 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 23

CELEBRATING OUR  CONTRIBUTORS                                                CELEBRATING OUR  CONTRIBUTORS

                                               Fr Anselm Adodo

                                                  NIGERIAN CATHOLIC FATHER AND AFRIKAN SCHOLAR
          the rise of a community of true
          believers who are connected
          and committed to the word God
          has spoken over Afrika, who will
          call it into being and diligently
          work to bring it to pass. This will
          open doors for unique product
          and service innovations, as well
          as unique spaces of expression
          that will bring healing to the
          bleeding hearts of her people
          first, and then the whole world.
          I see Afrika at the heart of ev-
          erything; the hub in the wheel
          that is the world.

          What ought Afrikans be do-
          ing now to ensure that we
          as a people and as a con-
          tinent truly realize Afrika's
          great potential?
          My people, we need to begin
          asking a new set of questions
          around who we are and why we
          were created. We must realize
          that our strength is in our unity
          and our unity cannot be based
          on greed. We must care for the
          vulnerable with the clear inten-
          tion of teaching them to rise up
          and raise others too. Our focus
          must be on shifting our hearts      Tell us about yourself and         Medical Sociology. I do not sub-
          and minds to the truth of who
                                              what you do, in relation to        scribe to a narrow minded and
          we are, then becoming that
                                              the move for a truly liberat-      limiting of education that churns
          people. Resources are never                                            out ‘experts’ who can only think
          a challenge when the heart is       ed Afrika.                         in one direction. Such forms of
          right.                              I am an Afrikan scholar who
                                              is interested in all aspects       education do not bring out the
                                                                                 best in the individual, but only
          You can follow Kyesubire's work     of human research. I am an         serve to produce egoistic and
          on her website:                     advocate of Integral research.     self-centered individuals. I think
                   Integral research is research      eventually, the world will turn
                                              that does not just identify and
                                                                                 back to Afrika to learn about
                                              analyze problems, but also
                                                                                 how to survive integrally in the
                                              goes ahead to propose con-
                                              crete solutions, and goes even     world. Modernity may have
                                              further to act on the proposed     tempted humanity to overes-
                                                                                 timate their power of domi-
                                              solutions. I studied History, Phi-
                                                                                 nance on the ecosystems. With
                                              losophy, Theology, Spirituality,
                                                                                 COVID-19, we are learning not
                                              Ethnobotany, Anthropology and

 22    |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika  HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY  heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    23
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