Page 22 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 22

CELEBRATING OUR  CONTRIBUTORS                                                                                                                                                                 CELEBRATING OUR  CONTRIBUTORS

        Kyesubire Greigg

                       KENYAN STORYTELLER/SCRIBE
                                                                                function as Afrikans is to under-
                                                                                stand the root of our mindsets.
                                                                                We were trained to think that
                                                                                we are inadequate and that our
                                                                                traditions were backward, yet
                                                                                this is the continent that gave
                                                                                Christ shelter. If we were so
                                                                                useless then surely we would
                                                                                have fallen off the face of the
                                                                                earth by now because nature
                                                                                doesn’t allow the existence of
                                                                                useless things.
                                                                                I believe that the liberation of
                                                                                Afrika starts in the hearts and
                                                                                minds of her people, once they
                                                                                understand their true roots
                                                                                in the mind of God and thus,
                                                                                their purpose. This makes me
                                                                                more determined to build on
                                                                                the things God has said and is
                                                                                saying about Afrika.

                                                                                Say something about
                                                                                Msingi Afrika Magazine
                                                                                and how you feel about
                                                                                contributing articles to it or
                                                                                why you do it.
                                                                                I had always wanted to write
                                                                                for a publication that not just
                                                                                allows, but encourages, the ex-
                                                                                pression of perspectives learnt
                                                                                from our faith walk and Msingi
          Tell us about yourself and         hard.                              Afrika Magazine is just. It is a
          what you do, in relation to        I have a curious mind, so I        space where one can share
          the move for a truly liberat-      question everything, and I am      the things that God is saying,
          ed Afrika.                         designed to restore Divine         without fear of being forced to
          My name is Kyesubire Greigg        order as a storyteller, scribe     fit into certain social narratives.
                                             and encourager. It took a while    This is a dream come true.
          but I prefer using Kyesubire.
                                             to figure out who I am, because
          Kyesubire means hope expect-
                                             of the training from the world     What's your hope and
          ed… a guarantee that hope will
          come no matter what. Many          to define ourselves by what we     aspiration for Afrika for the
          people ask me for a simpler        do. In this journey I have under-  next ten years?
                                             stood that I must first change
          name for them to use, meaning                                         I see Afrika at the helm of the
                                             my personal narrative and then
          easy English name, and I be-                                          world. There is a reality that
                                             I can be in a position to help
          lieve that if we can take the time                                    everything happens in the spirit
          to learn German or Russian         change the narratives of those     before the physical and Afrika is
          names we must do the same for      around me.                         a land of deeply spiritual peo-
                                             The way to change how we
          Afrikan names, no matter how                                          ple. In the next ten years, I see

          22        |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                          HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY                                                  heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    23
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