Page 21 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 21
through my own challenges, but ed hospital will you look up and God, but I can say this, He is as
would always find a way of pour- give gratitude for perfect health. real as it gets. I Am that I Am…
ing out to others. It's amazing Only when you are pounded by He just is. It takes faith to be-
to see this light, joy, satisfaction heavy rains and fall in muddy lieve in God. Yes, you can’t see
and healing in others. That hap- waters, will you know the value Him with your physical eyes, but
py feeling that I get is what made and power of a private car; and I can assure you, the spirit that
me say, “God, I may not be the only when you bury the dead, is within you one day is going to
master at much, but I will share will you know the value and be so alive that you’re going to
what is in my heart by the power power of every breath. I was know that you know that He is.
of the Holy Spirit to the few peo- raised in poverty and eventually The world is in a place of uncer-
ple who are appointed for my enjoyed abundance, especially tainty right now, but I can assure
life". So yes, it’s a God journey, in the US, but on my return to you, it’s just a season. Under
it’s not really mine, because I Kenya, I fell to ground zero. All the sun there is a time, there is a
grew up not really knowing God, those changes in between have season for everything. Ecclesi-
but His grace showed up when I brought me so close to God and astes 3 talks about the different
was in my late 20s and changed have taught me to give grati- seasons, so when God allows
everything. tude for every saving move He change to come into our lives,
makes on my behalf. When you and when that contrast happens
I recently heard you speak appreciate the small things, He for us; be comforted that it'll
about gratitude from such shall trust and reward you with pass.
a place of passion. Why is it plenty. Even when situations I mean look around you, the
so important to you and why are not looking up, give thanks sun, moon, stars, wind, human
should one strive to be grate- anyway so yes; even in trying beings... aren't they glorious
ful? How do you maintain that times, He's God and He's faith- enough for us to have faith that
posture even in trying times? ful, just trust Him. "God is not a human beings and the elements
Oh yes, the attitude of gratitude man, that he should lie; neither of the earth were created by a
has become my daily bread. the son of man, that he should higher being or Holy God? And
It's basically acknowledging repent: hath he said, and shall there's more; He has given us
God and fellow humans for ev- he not do it? Or hath he spoken, power to co-create; by speaking
ery blessing that's extended and shall he not make it good?” life into our own situations, on
towards me. That removes the Numbers 23:19 (KJV) a daily, weekly, minute by min-
feeling of entitlement and keeps ute basis. "But without faith it
one grounded in humility. On In a world where many are is impossible to please him: for
that note, I give thanks to God saying that there is no God, he that cometh to God must be-
for you Chioma and your hus- why would you say that God lieve that he is, and that he is a
band, Samuel, for allowing me is real? Is the walk of faith rewarder of them that diligently
to share my story on this plat- worth the time? seek him" Hebrews 11:6 (KJV)
form. Well, I don’t know how to con-
Until you lack, you may not val- vince anyone about the pres- Thank you so much, Flo, for
ue plenty. Only when you find ence and the power of this great sharing your story with us
yourself admitted in a dilapidat- and with our family of readers
in Afrika and beyond. We too
My book is called “Rise and Shine: It’s Time! are so grateful.
My journey of brokenness and healing.” I’m
excited to talk about how I fell, how I’ve
risen through poverty, through gains; how I’ve
overcome the loss of my parents and husband,
how my lifestyle at one point completely
crashed and about trusting God through all
that and even sharing about my ministry. heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 21