Page 25 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 25

CELEBRATING OUR  CONTRIBUTORS                                                CELEBRATING OUR  CONTRIBUTORS

          Tell us about yourself             tions to these issues. Msingi      tor. We'll have made it when we
          and what you do, in                Afrika Magazine fits this shoe     stop looking up to the so-called
                                             perfectly and I feel very humble   first-world countries, waiting for
          relation to the move for a
                                             being featured in it. Especially   their approval for every single
          truly liberated Afrika.            against the caliber of guests or   thing. Getting here means we
          I'm Maagu Karuri Kabui, a 26
                                             authors I've seen featured thus    must first understand our cul-
          year old Afrikan man based in
                                             far. Having discovered Msingi      ture. As Dr Llaila O. Afrika used
          Kenya. I'm a Software Develop-
                                             Afrika Magazine quite recently,    to say, you cannot be free when
          er by profession, with an under-
                                             it's one of those gems I won-      you are not practicing your
          graduate degree in Computer        der how I didn't come across       culture! We each have a role in
          Science from Kenyatta Univer-
                                             earlier. To suddenly find myself   reclaiming our memory.
          sity. Although formally in the
                                             in a place with masters in their
          tech space, I have an interest
                                             crafts is quite humbling. I have   What ought Afrikans be
          in all things Afrikan — basically
                                             learnt quite a lot from previous
          any area that touches our day      issues of the magazine, and I      doing now to ensure that
          to day lives. To get answers,                                         we as a people and as
                                             look forward to future issues.
          part of what I do is spend a lot                                      a continent truly realize
                                             Kudos to the writers, editors,
          of time in the past — our past.
                                             and everyone else involved!        Afrika's great potential?
          I spend a lot of time revisiting
                                                                                Our identity. Only then can we
          our history, since we typically    What's your hope and               realize the greatness we truly
          learn it from a very Eurocentric/                                     hold and work towards it.
          Westernized perspective. I take    aspiration for Afrika for
          the phrase "Know thyself" very     the next ten years?
          seriously. In my opinion the       The hope I have for Afrika over    You can follow Maagu Karuri on
          most important part of knowing     the next years is simply free-     his facebook platform
          thyself is learning your true,     dom. Freedom, which comes
          authentic history. It's the begin-  from remembering herself, then    maagu.karuri.3
          ning of not only finding answers   restoring herself to her former
          about yourself, but also of find-  glory; maybe even transcend-
          ing solutions to our current and   ing it. Great efforts are needed
          future problems. By so doing       to make this more than just a
          I've found that our ancestors      pipe dream. First and foremost,
          had a deeper understanding         efforts in the re-education of the
          of almost everything. Contrary     Afrikan, so that they remove
          to popular belief that we have     from themselves notions of be-
          developed more now, thanks         ing inferior to others. Education
          to science and other modern        here doesn't only imply school,
          tools, I've found we have retro-   but the education we give
          gressed.                           ourselves and each other. As                    happy 1st
                                             Carter G. Woodson said in "The               Anniversary
          Say something about                Mis-education of the Negro,"                 MSINGI AFRIKA MAGAZINE
                                             the most important education
          Msingi Afrika Magazine
                                             a man gets is the one he gives
          and how you feel about
                                             himself. It is my hope that over
          contributing articles to it/       the next decade we can at least
          why you do it.                     restructure the education sector
          In these times of ever-rising      so that our educational institu-
          Eurocentricity, one cannot         tions produce a crop of people
          overemphasize the impor-           who understand they are there
          tance of Afrocentric journalism.   to provide solutions for their re-
          Journalism invested in honestly    spective situations. This in itself
          understanding issues facing the    would be a colossal step as it
          Afrikan and voicing the solu-      would touch on every other sec-

 24    |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika  HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY  heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    25
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