Page 18 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 18


          His words kept me alive  and  I    one because maybe you’ll just
          eventually learnt how to  count    be a  Mrs.  somewhere and  yet     What  is  the  one  thing  you
          on Him, knowing that He could      you’re  suffering, but He wants    would  love  young  men  and
          help me and my daughter; and       you to have the best?’ I remem-    women  who  find  themselves
          indeed over the years, we have     ber actually getting a prophe-     where you were to know and
          made it, together. So, being sin-  cy way back then from Pastor       to consider?
          gle doesn't mean you are alone     Richardson  and he said, “God      I would say to them and not just
          but that God is your invisible and   wants you to wait on Him, even   young men and women, be-
          powerful friend.                   if it takes 10 years, just wait.” At   cause sometimes you can even
                                             first I was a bit frustrated by that   be widowed in your later years;
          What sorts of challenges have      word because I was like, “Oh my    the  love  of  God will help you
          you  faced  in  being  a  single   God, how can I be alone for all    overcome all things. Initially, it’s
          mom, personally and from so-       that time? It doesn’t even make    not easy, I can attest to that, but
          ciety?                             sense!” I didn’t  believe  it, but   with time and especially if God is
          The biggest thing was, as time     guess what? When God speaks,       your Friend, and you know that
          evolved and my daughter grew       you better  count on Him  that     you have  this thing  called  sal-
          up, I realized that sometimes it   He’s  not  a man that  He would    vation,  then  definitely  you’ll  be
          could be very exhausting being     lie. He can make you wait for      able  to overcome. His love will
          the person who made all the de-    something for a very long time,    overshadow  you, the presence
          cisions  about her life and also   according  to humans, but ac-      of God, the Holy  Spirit will  al-
          about my life. Sometimes I would   cording to Him, time is nothing,   ways be there, count on Him to
          cry out to God and say, “Oh God,   it will come and it will go.       be there 24/7 and also get in His
          this is difficult!” Actually in those   Over the years I’ve learnt the   Word. I love Psalm 91:1 “He that
          years from 2007 to 2009, I used    most incredible thing, God wants   dwells in the secret place of the
          to feel like I really needed some-  you to learn the power of loving   Most High shall abide under the
          one to be there for me, proba-     yourself, before you love some-    shadow of the Almighty.”
          bly a relationship, so that I could   one else. You have to know who   You cannot go wrong with God, I
          be able to offload some of that    you are, so that when the right    assure you. Yes, the days might
          pressure… but eventually God       time comes all will work out.      look like nights and there might
          gave me a lot of peace, instead    So, yes, there are challenges in   be a lot of darkness during that
          of a relationship. When I started   society, but it’s awesome how     day, but I assure you that even-
          understanding the love of God, I   you can start to understand that   tually, you’re going  to make it.
          found a lot of comfort in knowing   you’re whole and you’re com-      You’ll just see the light come
          that I could count on Him as He    plete  in God and  that anyone     through at the time when you’re
          would always find a way to help    else that joins your life is just a   feeling like giving up; He will
          me through  the different situa-   complement.                        definitely come through for you.
          tions we faced. When kids grow,    Now that I have learnt the love of   I’ve  also leaned on Proverbs a
          they grow through different stag-  God, if someone makes me feel      lot, chapter 3 verses 4- 5, “lean
          es and those changes  can be       less than, just because  I don’t   not  on  your own understand-
          challenging  and that’s when I     have a ring on my finger, I feel   ing… trust in the Lord with all
          used to feel that exhaustion and   sorry for them in a way, because   your heart!” Even if you don’t
          sometimes frustration, but God     it means probably they have not    know how to trust, just speak
          helps me to overcome my mind       known how to  love themselves      the words, remember that’s why
          so that I can be a better mother.  the way God loves  them or to      we’re given the word of God in
          Society sometimes doesn’t treat    see themselves as complete and     the Bible, speak it and eventual-
          you so kindly when  you’re sin-    whole  in the presence  of God     ly you will feel it. It will become
          gle, and especially from the fem-  and so I don’t take it personally   good and clear for you.
          inine aspect. They feel like, ‘Why   anymore with anyone who feels    Finally, don’t fear. God says He’s
          are you alone? Why are you not     that  way  about  me;  I  just love   not given you a spirit of fear. Ini-
          with someone?’ So there’s that     them  through and through  and     tially I remember when I felt that
          pressure. Meanwhile  I’m think-    I know they just don’t have the    loss, the loss of a husband and
          ing in my  mind,  ‘When God is     understanding, and it’s okay be-   the loss of my parents, I used
          not ready for you to be with any-  cause it'll come at the right time.  to fear so much. I was like, “Ok,

          18        |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                          HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY
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