Page 13 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 13


          trying for many years, he gets a   cannot help. He thinks he knows,   ery day you see foreign NGOs
          job outside of Afrika in a country   so every word of knowledge you   come to Afrika to do the things
          where his skills are much more     give him, he will  throw back at   they call charity,  which for me
          valued and rewarded.  And by       you, like a stone of  accusation   is nothing but giving a man fish
          that, whether we like to admit it   and resentment. He only sees      but stealing both his net and his
          or not, the moment he steps out-   the shadows of the things which    lake. The Afrikan sickness is not
          side of Afrika and settles down    will be made substance over the    Ebola, Covid-19,  HIV/AIDS; all
          to do well for himself out there -   space of time, but he thinks he   were created and imported here.
          that is a loss for Afrika. Now here   sees the real thing. He cites the   Thus Afrika does not need heal-
          comes another guy from the uni-    knowledge  and lifestyle of his    ing from these things, what we
          versity with lower grades and no   Afrikan forefathers and  bullies   need healing from, is the power
          great ideas, because as the son    everyone else with whatever he     of greed and indiscipline, which
          of  an Afrikan politician, he had   thinks he knows about them and    have crippled  even the minds
          all the money he could spend in    the wisdom they lived by. But he   of the brightest Afrikans and re-
          school. So  school for  him was    is too ignorant to understand or   duced them to slaves and wait-
          not a place to learn, but to have   realize that even his forefathers   ers at the table of those whose
          fun. He comes out of school with   died while still trying to see the   intention is to completely swal-
          no good grades or ideas but is     substance  hidden  in  the shad-   low Afrika up.
          welcomed with government con-      ows of  the things which they      Afrika has true and authentic vi-
          tracts that his mind is not ready   saw. So shall he also die, having   sion carriers; we just need to be-
          for. Now here is the thing, the    not learnt that  pride blocks the   gin to truly give strength to those
          first  guy  with  ideas  and  good   way to light but humility brings a   who really  need it, in order to
          grades who could not set up his    man to the presence of the One     change Afrika.
          business in  Afrika,  cannot  be   Whom the  Afrikan forefathers      It's  time to wake up from our
          considered as gain to Afrika and   called Light. Such is the story    greedy and selfish dreams and
          neither is the second guy who      of the young Afrikan man who is    create new realities that we can
          will definitely waste what he was   caught in between two dreams.     be proud of with time.
          given. In other words, for Afrika   He needs to know when time
          to rise to her potential, we must   and chance has happened and
          begin to give strength to compe-   how to move on.
          tence and not connection.          King Solomon said in Proverbs
          Wisdom is profitable               "Through  wisdom  a house is
          Ignorance    and     knowledge     built, And by understanding it is
          should  not  be  mixed  together.   established;  By knowledge  the
          They should be kept as far apart   rooms are filled With all precious
          from each other as light is from   and pleasant riches."
          darkness. You can help  the ig-    As  Afrikans, we must ask our-
          norant man to gain knowledge       selves what really we are chas-
          and you can also help the knowl-   ing after and if what we are
          edgeable man to enrich his heart   chasing after really defines who
          with wisdom, but the man that is   we are, or just makes us feel ac-
          ignorantly  knowledgeable,  you    cepted in the eyes of those who
                                             really  don’t care about  us. Ev-

                                         heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    13
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