Page 12 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 12
Obviously, things have hap-
pened in Afrika and to Afrikans
that we wish we could just with
a stroke of the pen, write off. But
it doesn’t work like that. The Af-
rikan narrative, and its reality as
the cradle of humanity, should
naturally put us at the forefront
of everything original and pro-
gressive in the global space, but
problem with Afrika is simply
based on what we are currently made mention of something
greed and the lack of discipline.
facing as our daily reality, we are like, if you want to thrive in an
And that's why I laugh at those
quite far from living out the truth economic system, take a look at
young Afrikans who are clam-
of who we are. But nonetheless, the top 25 wealthiest people in
oring for the return of Afrika to
the acknowledgement of how far that economic system and look
the ancient ways of life. For in
back we are in the true state of at the most influential people
my mind, these guys don't cut
things, without biases, will give in that system and you will un-
the picture of those with the dis-
us the ability to relook things derstand everything you need
cipline and self control that the
from a new perspective and by to know about that economic
Afrikan forefathers have, which
that, create the necessary plat- system. He went ahead to men-
helped them to maintain the
forms needed for our growth. tion that people who build great
magical reality they had in their
Discipline and Self Control businesses from the ground up,
As a pupil of Wisdom, a lover are often those who do so out
And speaking about greed and
of ancient thoughts, a writer/de- of competence and not connec-
lack of discipline, it is clear as
signer for this Magazine, a de- tion.
daylight that Afrika is blessed
signer for another Afrikan maga- That certainly made sense to
with some of the most intelli-
zine from South Afrika, I have me, especially in relation to our
gent, innovative, creative and
come across a lot of writings, Afrikan economic systems, in
hard working people. According
articles and papers about Afrika which connection gives people
to United Nation data, Afrika is
from honored professors and opportunities rather than com-
a continent of young people with
great writers from across Afrika. petence. And that's why I said
65 percent of the population be-
These are amazing writings and earlier that the issue with Afrika
low the age of 35, and nearly 50
ideas that give the needed an- is not lack of skills or knowl-
per cent under the age of 19.
swers to the problems in Afrika. edge, but too much of greed and
When you look at this data, cou-
I compared these wise Afrikans, indiscipline. What do I mean?
pled with the land mass and the
of many disciplines, to the weird For instance a young graduate
massive natural resources we
government officials and policy comes out of the university with
have in Afrika, then you would
makers we have in Afrika, in first class grades and some real
be correct to ask: what is wrong
relation to our lack of progress, ideas that can change the face
with Afrika? I recently watched a
then I realized the problem with of Afrika; he tries to set up his
Facebook video by Vusi Them-
Afrika is not lack of knowledge, business, but is unable to do
bekwayo, where he spoke about
lack of wisdom (both ancient so, either because he has no
economic systems that prom-
and modern), expertise, mind- resources to make it happen or
ise opportunities to people. He
power, human resources. The for whatever other reason. After
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