Page 49 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 49


          likes of increased automation, im-  deliberate choices that have been   nology is used to walk many out of
          proved communication and mon-      made by man over time to carefully   gainful employment, condition man
          itoring, as well as smart machines   implement all of these so-called   into linear thinking, convince peo-
          that can analyze and diagnose issues   ‘revolutions’. A revolution is an   ple to stop learning and using their
          without the need for human inter-  overthrow of the ‘old’ and replace-  mental and physical skills and to de-
          vention.” Allow me to translate that   ment with the ‘new’. Usually pegged   fer instead to computer programs,
          for you from propagandese into En-  as a good thing in technology terms,   robots and other machines, then I
          glish: These Industry 4.0 or 4IR or   but not always in political terms e.g.   say, con game! Look, don't breathe
          i4.0 proponents are saying that they   Mali. But, if you have been paying   a sigh of relief that you were not
          are working towards a world that is   attention over the years, you will   made redundant during the last
          primarily dependent on digital tech-  quickly see that it is not so much   restructuring program. Due to this
          nologies, interfaced with machines,   a ‘revolution’ as it is a deliberate,   focused path that they have set their
          instead of it being dependent on   meticulously planned, strategically   minds to, you need to be prepared
          people. In other words, they are   well-funded strategy which is being   for it to go in any direction, whether
          rendering human beings redundant   implemented step by step and with   you ‘upskill’ or not. Don't buy the
          in the process of… everything. The   a clear end in mind. So, again, it is   hype that you have to revise your
          Internet of Things goes beyond the   not so much ‘inevitable’ as it is pre-  skillset in order to remain relevant
          production process to everyday life   meditated. ‘Inevitable’ would mean   in the rapidly transforming technol-
          and living as they plan to fully inte-  that the creators of new technolo-  ogy environment and the ‘inevita-
          grate data, computing and everyday   gies or systems or policies absolute-  ble’ 4th Industrial revolution. Stop
          devices like your refrigerator, mi-  ly cannot stop or help themselves   and think first about where all this
          crowave, car, lights, security system,   but to just sit and create them. That   is going. Consider and reflect and
          allowing them to communicate with   it is out of their hands and that it   understand where the global herd is
          something somewhere. Remember      could even happen without them.    being driven to.
          communication is two-way. It is
          already in progress. Has been for   The other day, I watched a docu-  On Friday, 28th August 2020, Elon
          some time. And they (the propo-    mentary where the 'experts' speak-  Musk unveiled, through his start-
          nents of i4.0) want you to be very   ing swore that we have absolutely   up, Neuralink, technology to build
          excited about the possibilities.   no choice but to embrace robotics   a digital link between brains and
                                             and AI as our future. That it is   computers. This was demonstrated
          Let’s tackle the issue of the word   the inevitable next step in human   using a device implanted into a pig’s
          ‘revolution’ in 4th Industrial     evolution. Therefore we just have   brain that showed its brain activity
          Revolution because it is central to   to do it. Now! Even if machines are   through a wireless link. Musk and
          the head games being played with   eventually able to evolve beyond   his company have been working
          you and I. The first three industrial   our own understanding and to lock   towards an implantable device for
          ‘revolutions’ were: the shift from   us out of their interactions. Let me   humans that he likens to a ‘fitbit for
          production by hand to mechaniza-   ask you: Who designed the pro-     your brain’, which would come in
          tion by steam or water power (so,   grams? Who designed and built the   the form of an implant that would
          I guess hand-powered production    machines? Can they run without     fit in a cavity of the human skull,
          was the zero revolution), then there   electricity? Is there no ‘off’ switch?   with over 1000 electrode ‘threads’
          was a shift to mass production, here   So what is inevitable about their   piercing the outer layer of the brain
          electricity was the champion, then   eventual domination in man's jour-  to form a link to a computer.
          there was automation, computers    ney on this planet, except that man
          were introduced along with robotic   has made up his mind to follow   As disgusting as all this sounds to
          arms and other gizmos. Now it’s    through on his selfish interests yet   me, I know that there are those
          IoT and even the convergence       again? But because man decided     who, hypnotized by sci-fi comics,
          between man and machine as the     to board the Artificial Inevitability   cartoons and movies are thinking
          next evolution of man. (Excuse     (that’s my name for AI) rollercoast-  to themselves, “Cool! I wanna
          me for a moment while I roll my    er ages ago and to stay on it and has   try.” Because the idea of escaping
          eyes and drum my fingers on the    also decided that it is the only path   death through the healing some
          table in irritation). Okay, I’m back.   to follow, here we are.       scientists believe these devices will
          This is what they call ‘inevitable’.   Yes, modern technology has its   bring about or being able to control
          Utterly and completely ignoring the   benefits. But when this same tech-  machines or equipment using your

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                            ISSUE 8 | SEPT/OCT 2020  49
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