Page 53 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 53
teous mammon, who will commit from foreign governments and about how good a leader they are,
to your trust the true riches? And if international financial entities at the proof should be in the life of
you have not been faithful in what unreasonable interests rates, steal the people and not in their words.
is another man’s, who will give you the very money they borrowed and What proof can most Afrikan
what is your own? then flog their people to pay more leaders give for their leadership,
taxes to offset the very loans that especially, when after sixty years of
A little breakdown they collected and which they stole. independence, Afrikan nations are
I want to interpret this proverb Nothing is as wicked as this. still living like they were never freed
from the perspective of an Afrikan from slavery and colonization? The
speaking to Afrikans and with the But how foolish are these weak and fruit is still the only way to tell the
intention of creating a scenario by corrupt leaders who keep forgetting good that is in a tree. And because
which Afrikans can begin to ques- that there is another Leader who is the principle is about faithfulness in
tion things, especially as they relate watching every man's work and who the least that leads to faithfulness in
to the welfare of Afrikans in Afrika. is also very just in His judgment and much, men who are not faithful to
My first question is this, do you as who has the very right to say "Give little things in their care, will never
an Afrikan know that every politi- an account of your stewardship, for rise to handle bigger things.
cian serving in any Afrikan country, you can no longer be steward.’
from the lowest to the seat of the Therefore if you have not been
presidency are your employees and In Afrika, it seems that leadership faithful in the unrighteous mam-
servants because you voted them roles are given to people, not be- mon, who will commit to your trust
into power? And do you know cause they are worthy of such roles the true riches?
that each and every one of them is or qualified to sit on such seats, but One of the many lies we have told
supposed to be accountable to you? because their predecessors need ourselves over time is that life ends
Let me leave you for a moment to them to hold and keep their busi- here. Not at all, it doesn’t end here.
think about that. ness going on. For instance, an Afri- Everything man is given to take
kan president, after ruling for eight care of here on earth is just like
I have been watching the Afrikan years and after all the stealing and a test of discipline for how much
political space for a while now looting that has taken place in his they can take care of eternal things.
from every direction of the Afri- administration, will do all to bring When God gave Adam and Eve the
kan continent and one thing that I in someone who will make sure he assignment to tend and keep the
keep seeing are a group of heads is not prosecuted for his corruption garden, which is a physical thing, it
of state and government, leaders, and who will also keep his "legacy" was a test of how much they could
politicians, ministers, governors, in a good light, even when in reality handle of spiritual things. And
senators etc. that are very confused he did nothing worthy of such good without me having to go too much
about what it means to be a leader light. So it’s the same thing as saying into theology, because they failed
and whose inner agenda is to lay up "I cannot dig; I am ashamed to beg. in faithfulness to the physical part
goods for themselves and their im- I have resolved what to do, that of their assignment in the garden,
mediate families, at the detriment when I am put out of the steward- when God, who happened to be
of the very people (the employers) ship, they may receive me into their their spiritual assignment, came into
they were supposed to serve. They houses.’ the garden in the cool of the day,
make selfish economic policies and they could not face him and thus
decisions that ended up being noth- He who is faithful in what is least is they failed. He who is faithful in the
ing but the wastage of the resources faithful also in much physical will certainly be faithful in
that belong to the people. They say Faithfulness to a person or a people that which is spiritual.
that they are fighting corruption but is one way of knowing a man or
they are seated at the top of the very woman with a true heart of leader- True riches are eternal blessings
empire that money from corruption ship. It is not possible to be a good that God gives a man and for which
built while thinking the people they leader and be unfaithful to an ideal he is remembered even after he is
are leading will forever be fools. that leads to a better life for those long dead. For example, Abraham
And just like the wasteful servant who are being led. So basically, was blessed of God with the reality
in the above proverb, these leaders when you hear people in positions of the fatherhood of God Himself
use the names of their employers of power, whether in government on the earth, and as scriptures say,
(their people) to borrow money or corporate organizations, talk even in heaven, he is still called