Page 52 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 52




                                              By: Samuel Phillips

                    s long as a man has      then narrow it down to how lack of   me into their houses.’
                    breath in his lungs and   the true heart of responsibility and   “So he called every one of his mas-
                    talent in his heart given   accountability has been the major   ter’s debtors to him, and said to the
          Ato him by God, he is              barrier to a better Afrika.        first, ‘How much do you owe my
          a leader; irrespective of whether                                     master?’ And he said, ‘A hundred
          he is known or not, ever seen or   I will use a very profound proverb   measures of oil.’ So he said to him,
          never seen. He bears in his heart   that Jesus used in Luke 16:1-12 and   ‘Take your bill, and sit down quick-
          that which instantly puts him in the   thereafter break down a few things   ly and write fifty.’  Then he said to
          place of someone holding in trust   for deeper understanding.         another, ‘And how much do you
          something of which his life will be                                   owe?’ So he said, ‘A hundred mea-
          questioned by the One who gra-     He also said to His disciples:     sures of wheat.’ And he said to him,
          ciously gave him such gift.        “There was a certain rich man who   ‘Take your bill, and write eighty.’
                                             had a steward, and an accusation   So the master commended the
          It is expected that every leader-  was brought to him that this man   unjust steward because he had dealt
          ship role is that of service and a   was wasting his goods. So he called   shrewdly. For the sons of this world
          responsibility to the bigger picture.   him and said to him, ‘What is this   are more shrewd in their generation
          And with that bigger picture comes   I hear about you? Give an account   than the sons of light.
          accountability, for which reward will   of your stewardship, for you can no    “And I say to you, make friends
          be given either for a job well done   longer be steward.’             for yourselves by unrighteous
          or a job well-deserving of shame   “Then the steward said within      mammon, that when you fail, they
          and pain.                          himself, ‘What shall I do? For my   may receive you into an everlasting
          The Bible is loaded with various   master is taking the stewardship   home. He who is faithful in what is
          proverbs that I believe are really   away from me. I cannot dig; I am   least is faithful also in much; and he
          very important for our lives right   ashamed to beg. I have resolved   who is unjust in what is least is un-
          now. I will use one such proverb to   what to do, that when I am put out   just also in much. Therefore if you
          create context for this article and   of the stewardship, they may receive   have not been faithful in the unrigh-

          52      |   Heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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