Page 54 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 54


          "father Abraham" and by whose      principle of life, living and commu-  gain some sense. Afrikan Presidents
          life, the entire family of the earth is   nity.                       swear with all their energy that they
          blessed by God. Another example    We have succeeded instead, in cre-  are bent on fighting corruption, but
          is King David, who was blessed with   ating a parasitic society and system   most of the government tenders
          the sure mercies of God on earth   in which those who have mastered   that sucked up bunches of missing
          and on whose throne, the coming    the dark art of stealing and looting   money were given to their families
          Jesus will sit on earth. These are   are given positions of power and   and friends. Who are you guys
          blessings or true riches that go be-  authority, while those who live hon-  deceiving with your fight against
          yond the foolish money and wealth   est lives and whose life's purpose   corruption when both your pantry
          that people gather from corruption   is the good of all are seen as slaves   and your cooking pots have all the
          and which have no value after      to the system. In fact, we call them,   food meant for the masses? You
          death. When will leaders begin to   common men or common citizens.    can deceive the people; will you
          think of what their legacy really is   We have placed our priorities in   also deceive yourself and your Mak-
          in the light of eternity and life after   all the places except where they are   er, who watches both the oppressor
          death?                             most needed for the betterment of   and the oppressed?
                                             the people.
          And if you have not been faithful in                                  In as much as I do not recom-
          what is another man’s, who will give   One question I keep asking myself   mend violence of any sort, but
          you what is your own?              is this; will it not be a good feeling if   one thing the coup in Mali should
          God is the One who really re-      a leader created a better society for   teach every Afrikan government or
          pays men for their faithfulness or   his people of which good things can   President is that, even if you think
          unfaithfulness. And to tell you the   be spoken about him even after he   you can hide behind the delusional
          truth, leadership of any sort is not   is gone? I believe it should be. Per-  titled of Commander-in-Chief of
          excepted in the reward system that   sonally, why should I be a leader   the armed forces, remember that
          God has put in place. It does not   and then not be excited about cre-  the members of the armed forces
          matter if you are a president of an   ating the best opportunities for the   that you are commanding all have
          Afrikan nation or a CEO of a com-  people I lead? It does not make any   wives, husbands, children, brothers,
          pany or the leader of a family, your   sense to me why I should not be.  sisters and family members. And
          true riches and reward do not come   Recently, news went out in Kenya   the truth is that, if your leadership
          from your salary or allowances, but   about how billions of shillings do-  stinks to your people, the families
          from God who is the Leader of us   nated for the fight against Covid-19   of your soldiers are a part of those
          all. If men are aware of this truth,   went missing. I mean hundreds of   people and one day, your so-called
          just maybe they will tread a little bit   billions of shillings donated to help   soldiers and police that take orders
          more softly when dealing with the   those in need due to the pandemic.   from you will turn to support their
          people, nations and organizations is annoying and deadly   oppressed families and kick you out
          they lead.                         painful, to say the least. It's both   and the only thing that will be left
                                             a shame and a slap on the face of   for you to command will be the rats
          What kind of life have we created?  the leadership and the spirit of   in whatever jail or grave you find
          Our world has become quite a       integrity. Even if men have lost the   yourself.
          small place to live and frankly    ability to be ashamed of stealing
          speaking, it is a village. But this   the goods that belong to the public,   Leadership is about responsibility
          village has also become the very   should they also not have some     and accountability. To not have
          opposite of what village life looked   level of dignity even while stealing?   both is nothing but waywardness.
          like in pre-internet Afrika. A village   If you must steal since it’s in your
          for an Afrikan is the place where   DNA to do so, should you not steal
          everyone is friend and brother to   with some dignity and concern for
          everyone; a place where everyone   those who are suffering because the
          watches over the goods and ben-    money meant for their upkeep is
          efit of others. A place where one   not getting to them? Even though
          person's happiness is the happiness   stealing and dignity do not have
          of the whole community. A place    anything in common, just permit
          where the Ubuntu life of "I am be-  me to use both in the same line of
          cause you are", is the foundational   thought, just maybe someone will

          54      |   Heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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