Page 50 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 50
brain and this device overshadow its Daniel 2:43-45. NKJV. gled abomination but that is all
greater implications. They believe But what is the meaning of this connected to the grand end of the
that these are ‘advancements’. mingling of iron and clay? Simply story, and they don’t win.
Musk’s efforts are not ‘revolution- put, the clay is man, the iron is The claim of inevitability tries to
ary’ nor are they pioneering as it technology and the ten toes are the take away your choice about what to
were. Scientists have long been ten super-nations that are being put do as well, as your feeling of control
trying to link man and machine in together by the new world order in the direction of a matter. As
order to ‘enhance’ him in some agenda of the globalists, in prepara- someone said to me the other day,
way. It’s a mystery to me that this tion for the rule of the Anti-Christ "But guess what? Everyone is doing
amazing body that self-heals and or the Beast. And also, this age of it, therefore we have no choice but
rejuvenates, that withstands some the mingling of the clay and iron, to join them." What they haven’t
of the most toxic environments speaks of the age where the human realized is that that is the kind of
and food that man has created, that mind will be highly and viciously mindset that will guarantee that you
reproduces according to kind, that targeted in order to create an unho- will take the name, the number or
man has been hopelessly unable ly dependence of man on artificial the mark of the beast. You are not
to replicate, science believes needs intelligence. It is a direct attack on an unthinking mindless prisoner!
‘improving’ with weird devices man who is the image of God and
that will have equally strange side thus a direct attack on God the The claim of inevitability only
effects. Creator. It is a direct pointer to the creates a necessary divide. Those
reality many hyper excited scien- who will stand for what is right and
What some of them fail to realize tists are pushing towards i.e. a time those who will succumb, sell-out
is that they are playing right into the when machine and flesh will be even their own family members in
hands of Scripture and the fulfill- commingled to create a new race, a timid act of utter submission to
ment of prophecy, by their choices. but they will not mix. This king- the most wicked acts ever known to
The issue of choice is critical here, dom’s ultimate demise and destruc- man. It doesn't mean you should be
because, though the end will come tion will come via the rock cut out either their willing or unwitting slave
as prophesied, each one needs to without hands which is the King- and be complicit in their wicked
choose which side of the divide dom of Christ that will come on the undertakings. It means you should
to stand on. The book of Daniel earth. Many people don’t like to wise up, study what is happening
Chapter 2 talks of the kingdom of hear it, because they think that they and build an effective and powerful
the ten toes of iron mingled with are making choices independent counter to what they are doing,
clay. This is the final kingdom of a grand plan and purpose. But that will allow those who are of like
of men. See what the scripture the truth is, there is nothing on this mind to be able to successfully nav-
says “As you saw iron mixed with earth that is de-linked from eternal igate their way through the troubled
ceramic clay, they will mingle with realities and that is what each one waters that are coming.
the seed of men; but they will not must remember. The day man de-
adhere to one another, just as iron cided to uncouple his earthly reality Choose right!
does not mix with clay. And in from spiritual matters was the day
the days of these kings the God of he embraced his doom. But that
heaven will set up a kingdom which can be remedied.
shall never be destroyed; and the
kingdom shall not be left to other A culture of inevitability that builds
people; it shall break in pieces and in a determined and focused
consume all these kingdoms, and manner towards its own destruction
it shall stand forever. Inasmuch as is not only dangerous, but it is just
you saw that the stone was cut out dumb. As in stupid. And those
of the mountain without hands, scientific geniuses and financial
and that it broke in pieces the iron, giants who contribute towards the
the bronze, the clay, the silver, and ‘success’ of Artificial Inevitability
the gold—the great God has made have willingly joined themselves to
known to the king what will come a disaster-in-waiting. Yes, there are
to pass after this. The dream is cer- those driven by forces of darkness
tain, and its interpretation is sure.” towards the building of this co-min-
50 | Heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika