Page 42 - Surrender - Don't Just Live
P. 42
the book He had impressed in my heart to write (this here is part of it).
His response, “RESET!” Now, at the time, the profoundness of that hit
me, but little did I know I was only seeing in part. The full revelation
would soon blow my mind!
Grace Upon Grace
I had already given birth to our son, Huru; The expression of the Free-
dom (liberty) that comes with a Surrendered life… of living and flowing
like The Wind. And so I thought that was it. It was complete; we had
gone full circle- Faith, Trust, Love and Surrender. And while that was
true… He reminded me again… He is eternal. With Him, there’s always
more. Grace upon grace (John 1:16). Glory to glory.
Huru’s pregnancy journey was stress-free! Our new gynaecologist (the
one whom Daddy brought into our lives for Zara’s birth) made no big
deal about the PCOS. She did not put me on any progesterone and most
importantly (ha!), she gave us the blessing to enjoy God’s wonderful
gift in Oneness!!!! We saw her every two months as opposed to Zara’s
bi-weekly visits with my previous doctor.
His birth was equally stress-free. We had agreed with the doctor that she
would not use the vacuum extraction (in Jesus’ name) and that meant we
could not afford to have his birth weight too high. And so we planned
and prayed for him to come at 39 weeks. This he did! Yes, he too had
shoulder dystocia, but this time our doctor knew what to expect and it
was, therefore, less dramatic.
The Rhema around his birth revolved around the timing of his birth.
He was born at 9:43 am on the 9th of April 2019. God’s instruction was
that we should wash his feet. For whatever reason, the people that need-
ed to be present for this were not available soon after his birth, and so