Page 79 - Agenda 21
P. 79
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“Oregon has in its state constitution a provision authorizing not just a council of regional governments
to meet and discuss and coordinate policies, but a full-fledged, duly elected regional government. The
Portland area has an elected, seven-member council that has the authority to overrule all of the 23
cities and three counties within its boundaries. For those 23 cities and three counties [half the
population of Oregon], local control is all but gone. In fact, any service “Metro” declares regional in
scope falls under their jurisdiction. The 23 cities and three counties are simply overruled. They don’t
even have a collective veto.
Who decides where will future development occur? Metro. Which land will become urban and which
will remain rural farm or forestland? Metro decides. The cities and counties have no choice but to go
along. If a city thinks it needs to zone a tract of land for industrial use to attract new businesses and
jobs, it has to go with hat in hand to the regional government. ”
Opposition to Sustainable Development is not opposition to Environmental Protection. The
opposition is against the replacement of locally-elected representatives with all-powerful non-elected
boards, councils and regional governments. That process eliminates input, discussion and debate from
community citizens. “The irony is that U.N. AGENDA 21 mandates more citizen involvement but does
it by creating so many boards, commissions, regional agencies, non-profits, meetings, and programs
that it is impossible to stay on top of what is happening.”
Behind the Green Mask: U.N. AGENDA 21, Rosa Koire, page 29.
Here’s a list of most of the regional/metropolitan non-elected governmental planning commissions in
the U.S.:
“The Association of Bay Area Governments is an unelected body that, in theory, is a simple regional
planning agency with limited statutory authority. Instead, this agency, along with the Metropolitan
Transportation Commission, use financial authority to circumvent local planning authority, dictating
growth and zoning requirements to local elected officials, and socially engineering the makeup of the
“By manipulating civic leadership through contrived environmental concerns and grave financial
penalty, these unelected board members are able to dictate the amount and location of low-income
and stack-and-pack housing, public transportation requirements, zoning and private property land
use.” The SB375 bill links land use to transportation and specifies the majority of future construction
be compact, high density, low income housing next to mass transit in order to force Californians out of
their cars and single family homes to ostensibly reduce GHGs. AB2785 identifies (maps) an animal
and vegetation corridor system throughout California, connecting large blocks of government
regulated land through private property that must be taken in some way to complete the California
Wildlands corridors.”
“There are three main pieces of legislation that are being followed in California to complete the
transformation and socially re-engineer our lives; SB375 (2008 Sustainable Communities Strategy),
AB32 (2006 Global Warming Act) and AB2785 (2010 California Essential Habitat Connectivity Map).
These land masses that are being set aside are being incorporated into giant land trusts for the
purpose of selling carbon credits in the trillion dollar Cap n’ Trade scheme that recently started in this