Page 83 - Agenda 21
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             A 400 page La Plata County, Colorado “comprehensive plan” that took two years, $750,000 and 137
             public meetings to produce was abolished because of its restrictions on land use and zoning. “"I'm for
             planning, but I'm not for the ideological, political, social engineering that went into this document,"
             Commissioner  Steven  Kallaher  said  in  December,  2011.  Earlier,  of  community  concerns,  he  said,
             "Someone who owns hundreds of acres in the county doesn't want someone living in the city who rides
             a solar-powered bicycle to tell them what to do."”

             “With only 50,000 people in La Plata County, one wonders why La Plata County paid the non-profit
             land  use  planning  agency  in  Tucson, The  Sonoran  Institute,  a  total  $750,000  for  the  400  page
             comprehensive  plan.  Why  didn’t  La  Plata  County  Officials  use  their  own  planners  to  develop  a
             plan?...So what did the Sonoran Institute and the plan suggest? Well, of course – “smart growth,” two
             words that nobody in the county wants to hear.”
             But  La  Plata  County  still  hasn’t  dropped  its  membership  in  the  International  Council  for  Local
             Environmental Initiatives.
             This is the Comprehensive Plan that was cancelled:

                             31.  AGENDA 21 OUTLAWED IN TENNESSEE

             “Lawmakers  in  Tennessee  passed  [House  Joint  Resolution  587]  on  March  15,  2012  condemning
             United  Nations  AGENDA  21  as  a  “destructive  and  insidious”  environmental  plan  to  advance  a
             communist  AGENDA  under  the  guise  of  community  planning.  The  state  House  of  Representatives
             voted 72-23 in favor of House Joint Resolution 587, which denounces the non-binding U.N. AGENDA
             21 plan adopted by the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de
             Janeiro, Brazil. The United Nations claims that Sustainable Development principles alleviate poverty
             and combat global warming.

             Resolution 587 describes Sustainable Development as a plan for “socialist/communist redistribution
             of  wealth”  through  energy  conservation  policies,  zoning  restrictions,  and  forced  abortions….  Local
             governments are bribed with federal grants to de-develop counties and bring them into compliance
             with zoning rules devised by the “visioning” consensus plans of the International Council for Local
             Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), the implementation arm of U.N. AGENDA 21. These “visioning”
             plans are sold to the community as the consensus [after many contrived “Delphi Technique” meetings
             were held]. In reality, they are the wishes of a few informed individuals representing the interests of
             the United Nations.

             The  local  population  has  no  knowledge  or  understanding  of  the  ramifications  of  such  plans.
             Taxpayers are not given the opportunity to vote on the “fundamental transformation”
             of their counties : ordinances, zoning laws, bike paths, walkways, greenbelts, conservation areas,
             high-density areas, and urban boundary zones, all part of the  Sustainable Development buzzwords
             and goals. Once the new zoning has passed, the citizens cannot reverse the damaging effects of the
             decisions already made.”
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