Page 13 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 13
e are at war both be in the world, to begin to look the box. That is possible for people
with things seen inward and begin to see and truly to remove their heads from under
and things not seen. appreciate the war of identity raging whatever sands they have kept them
WWe are at war with inside and the inferiority complex and take time out to rethink their
things and people set in place to de- which that war created and which lives.
stroy our identity, our hope, our his- has left behind an internal chaotic
tory as Afrikans, our brotherhood, situation like a battle torn city. And For us at Msingi, 2020 was the best
our dignity and our future. But woe by wisdom, now begin to make new year ever in modern history. How-
to him who is at war but does not adjustments in mindsets and atti- ever, 2021 is deeper than 2020 in
know it. He thinks everybody is his tudes and approaches to life and the that it is the year where all you have
friend and by that he is destroyed. Afrikan narrative, if truly we want learned about yourself in 2020 and
emancipation. reviewed, can be the basis for living
Sometimes, some of the daily out the best of yourself. Meaning
battles in this war are lost because The Afrikan problem, in as much that, if you have learned in 2020
those from among us are giving as it has a lot to do with external that the life of hostility towards
room to their/our enemies to un- influences, has much more to do others is not wise, then you now
dermine our dignity as Afrikans and with self influencing decisions and have the opportunity to really live
our Afrikan heritage, by their selfish choices that are based mostly on out the reality of that new learning.
and ungodly attitudes and behav- self-preservation which has created If you have learned that in the face
iors. I will use a few rebukes and nothing more than distrust and bad of a pandemic, your fine cars and
much more love and correction to behavior among Afrikans. So the fine jets really don't make a differ-
bring home my point in this article. war on self is not about fighting ence since borders can actually be
oneself or even others, but about closed and lock-down imposed,
The WAR on self doing all that is required to allow then this is the best time to now live
In all of the wars that we face each and also bring oneself to become out the truth that the life of love,
day as Afrikans, both at home and the best that is available. So it's loving, brotherhood, kindness and
in the diaspora, the greatest among a fight to remove self-inhibiting compassion for others is what really
them all is the war that we don't thoughts, ideologies, concepts, makes us who we are as humans. So
often pay attention to. That is, The mindsets, programming and the 2020 is a beautiful year, but 2021 is
WAR against ourselves. And be- many other internal and external the year to bring out that beauty.
cause the war against self is always self-inhibitors towards the place of
the most intense and most danger- true emancipation. We have to win No time to waste
ous, this article will be solely about these wars and it begins with you Sincerely speaking, none of us
winning the war against self. that is reading right now. have the benefit of another year to
waste again on trivial things that
If there is what 2020 has taught A look at 2020 do not add to the best versions of
me and the team at Msingi Afrika Every New Year brings with itself ourselves. And none of us have the
Magazine, it is that we all have the new thoughts, new ideas, new luxury of time and resources to
opportunity to be the best we can realities, new friends, new hopes keep flogging the past and our mis-
be and that no one really can stop and even new challenges. However, takes in them. It is time to be the
another man (the Afrikan) from none of these new things are meant best Afrikans that we can be. And
becoming who they were meant to to become to us excuses for inertia the one sure way, among many oth-
be and no one can make another but to give us new opportunities to er ways to do that, is to stop the war
man change their stand or stands become our best. against ourselves, the wars against
on any subject. We all are painters our brothers, the wars against our
of our own portraits and whatever 2021 is a mighty walk away from Afrikaness. Wars of which Afrikan
each one paints of themselves is the never seen before 2020, at least country is better than the other or
what men will see. Especially, if in our modern era. But beyond the which Afrikan country has more
they (the Afrikan) do not relinquish walk away, 2020 is the year where criminal citizens than the others and
their lives and destinies into the each person was shown just how the many other mindless things we
hands of modern day slavers. It is much life can actually stop spinning do against ourselves.
therefore of utmost importance for and that it is possible that people I read a post of on Facebook about
every Afrikan, wherever they may can actually pause to think outside the late Mandela. It's a short excerpt