Page 14 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 14


          from a book, I think, but one which   reconciliation build Nations ′′  same complaint. Let me give you an
          holds a very strong key to moving   Nelson Mandela                    example.
          Afrika forward. It says:           (From Echeverría Martínez ′′
                                             Chicali Wall ′′)                   From the day we started making
          "After becoming President, I asked                                    Youtube videos about Afrika on
          some of  my bodyguard members to go   Any lessons?                    our Msingi Afrika TV channel, we
          for a walk in town. After the walk,   The story of Mandela and the way   began noticing something so very
          we went for lunch at a restaurant. We   he dealt with his oppressor at the   heartbreaking. It's sad to say that,
          sat in one of  the most central ones,   restaurant, is the story of a man   Afrikans don't really want change,
          and each of  us asked what we wanted.   who has found himself and the   they love the never-ending stories
                                                                                of how the white man enslaved
          After a bit of  waiting, the waiter who   reason for his life and for being   their ancestors, brought a religion
                                             here. It clearly shows that a man
          brought our menus appeared, at that   that can walk away from the things   that destroyed their culture, stole
          moment I realized that at the table   that entangle others is the man who   their wealth etc. But when you give
          that was right in front of  ours there   has found himself and his purpose.   them a hint of what is possible,
          was a single man waiting to be served.  Such people are quite rare and they   they turn away. Take for example,
          When he was served, I told one of  my   are those who have conquered all   we did a video in which my wife
          soldiers: go ask that man to join us.   wars and fears within and are now   spoke a message to Afrikan leaders.
          The soldier went and transmitted my   at peace with life and everything   Her tone was that of rebuke for
          invitation. The man stood up, took the   else.                        the many years of neglect and all
          plate and sat next to me. While eat-                                  that. Within a few days, the video
          ing, his hands were constantly shaking   This story of Mandela also makes   had some hundreds of views on
                                             me wonder about the young Afri-
                                                                                our channel and more than thirty
          and he didn't lift his head from the   kans that like to quote Mandela's   thousand views on another channel
          food. When we finished, he waved   life when they make arguments      that we partner with. It was like the
          at me without even looking at me, I   about how great Afrika and Afri-  mouths of Afrikans were let loose.
          shook his hand and walked away!    kans are, but always leave out the   See all manner of comments about
                                             side of him that forgave his oppres-  the state of Afrika and the govern-
          Soldier said to me:                sors and by that, laid hold of the   ment! A few days after that upload,
          - Madiba, that man must be very sick   truth about himself and by which   we did another video in which we
          as his hands wouldn't stop shaking   his greatness became global. They   try to deal practically with the issues
          while he was eating.               go about life like the worst enemy   in Afrika and how best to solve
          Not at all! The reason for his tremor   that they have is the Afrikan man   them. You won't believe that all of
          is another - I replied. They looked at   beside them.                 that noise of the first video was no-
                                                                                where to be found. At first we did
          me weird and said to them:         To strive to be the best that each of   not understand what happened until
          - That man was the guardian of  the   us must be, we must embrace the   we realized that our people really
          jail I was locked up in. Often, after the   lifestyle of weightlessness and the   did not want practical change, they
          torture I was subjected to, I screamed   beauty - and even challenges - that   just love to talk about the problems.
          and cried for water and he came to   come with it. For to speak clearly   That was a huge eye-opener for us.
          humiliate me, he laughed at me and   and in my opinion, I think we Afri-
          instead of  giving me water he urinated   kans have too much on our plates   As Afrikans, to be weightless in
          on my head.                        that we are dealing with and which,   life,  we must not just consider not
          He wasn't sick, he was scared and   if truth be told, is not helping us   attaching ourselves to too many
          shook maybe fearing that I, now that   emancipate into the very dreams we   possessions, but also free our hearts
          I'm president of  South Africa, would   have in our hearts that we want to   and hands from many activities that
                                                                                undermine focused productivity
          send him to jail and do the same thing   see in Afrika. We like to talk about   which comes through proper align-
                                             the things that are not working, but
          he did with me, torturing and humil-  when someone tries to point us in   ment of spirit and the outer world.
          iating him. But that's not me, that   the direction from where things   We must know and understand that
          behavior is not part of  my character   can be better, we hide behind our   we are spirit before we were ever
          nor my ethics. Minds that seek revenge   trees of denials and falsehoods,   made human flesh. Meaning that
          destroy states, while those that seek   waiting for another day to make the   the more we load our fleshy human

          14      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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